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ABC-Folgen & -Diskussionen > Verbindungen der InsulanerLOST-fans.de Forum - Verbindungen der Insulaner

In diesem Thread befinden sich 31 Posts. Er wurde 7908 mal gelesen.
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Verbindungen der Insulaner - 23.05.2005, 14:14:02nach oben


Ich weiß es auch nicht, aber es ergibt sich jede Menge Stoff für weitere Staffeln. Schlau gemacht und bis ins letzte Detail durchdacht.
Das kenne ich nur von Regisseuren ala Lynch oder Fincher, da habe ich größten Respekt vor. Sehr clever die Jungs .

Verbindungen der Insulaner - 28.05.2005, 20:17:34nach oben


ganz einfach... sawyer hatte was mit jeder *gg*

ist schon lustig, die schieben sawyer jede unter *ggg*

Verbindungen der Insulaner - 25.06.2005, 23:32:10nach oben


Ajaj... Alzheimer lässt grüßen... bei mir.
Hatte vergessen, dass ein solcher Thread schon existiert und wollte einen Neuen aufmachen. *g*

Ok, ich habe da im Lost-Media Forum einen Beitrag gefunden, in dem sich jemand die Mühe machte, von verschiedenen Seiten die Verbindungen zusammenzufassen und aufzuschreiben.
Dort ist jede noch so kleine Verbindung der Insulaner (und nicht nur von ihnen) aufgelistet und ich fand es interessant zu lesen. Denn dort sind einige aufgetaucht, die ich noch nicht kannte und auch nie im Leben überhaupt wahrgenommen hätte.
Einige sind bestätigt, andere nur reine Spekulation.
Desweiteren finde ich die ein oder andere auch etwas "übertrieben".

Ein paar wurden hier bereits genannt, ich poste sie dennoch mit rein.
Sun + Jin = married.

Jin + Hurley = Hurley is on TV (for winning the lottery) when Jin goes to ‘talk’ to the environmental secretary.

Sayid + Hurley = Sayid served in the Republican Guard, Hurley's friend served in the 104th Airborne, both fought in the Gulf War.

Hurley + Locke = Hurley is the majority shareholder in a box company in Tustin, California. Locke worked at that box company.

Locke + Hurley = Locke's mom was in the same Californian mental hospital, Santa Rosa, as Hurley's crazy friend Lenny at one point (Hurley could also have been a patient there).

Locke + Charlie = Locke is a fan of Driveshaft, Charlie's band (Locke has both of Charlie’s albums and his self-titled debut).

Kate + Charlie = Kate's friend Beth is a ‘huge fan’ of Driveshaft.

Charlie + Shannon = Charlie's shirt (in the Moth) said "St. Tropez" which is where Shannon said she lived in France. Charlie was probably on tour there. (link)

Shannon + Danielle Rousseau = Danielle had the lyrics to "La Mer" written down for some reason, and Shannon knew the song when she was in Saint Tropez with her boyfriend who had a kid, Laurent, who watched ‘Finding Nemo’ over and over again. “La Mer” was one of the songs on the movie.

Danielle Rousseau + Hurley + 4*8*15*16*23*42 + Everyone = Danielle's team picked up a transmission with the numbers. Lenny and his friend Sam Toomey(sp?) heard the numbers at a listening post in the Pacific Ocean. Hurley used them to win the lottery and they 'cursed' him. Almost all the survivors have had connections to one or more of the numbers.

Shannon + Boone = Shannon's father married Boone's mother so they are stepsiblings.

Boone + Sawyer = Sawyer is in the police station when Boone is there looking for help.

Sawyer + Jack = Sawyer met Jack's dad, Christian, in a bar in Sydney.

Michael + Walt = father and son.
Dogs = There are a few threads about dogs. There are four different instances of dogs on Lost so far:
1. We have our Yellow Labrador Retriever, Vincent, of course.
2. the lost dog flyer (here or here)
3. Locke's foster mom's Golden Retriever.
4. the dog that Jin gives to Sun that he took from the environmental secretary (not sure what breed of dog )

Driveshaft + Alias = Driveshaft's hit song, 'You All, Everybody', was played in the background of a birthday party on Alias.
Speculative Connections- same actors and stuff, but they haven't been confirmed
Sawyer + Hurley = The lotto-girl, Mary-Jo, that told Hurley's numbers is the same girl that Sawyer was with when Hibbs was in his hotel room.

Charlie + Hurley = The priest that Charlie talks to (in ‘the Moth’) is the guy Hurley buys the scooter from at the airport.

Shannon + Sawyer = Shannon's boyfriend is the detective/ cop Sawyer talks to before he is deported.

Kate + Michael + Locke + Jin/Sun = The car that Kate & Tom hit is the same one that hit Michael and the same one that backed into Locke when he was chasing his mom. Could this be the kind of car that Mr. Paik sells?
(tipntop says its a Pontiac Bonneville SE in this post/ it looks the same as pics from Google)

Locke + Jack or Boone = Jack or Boone could have been the little boy in the "Mousetrap" scene in DEM.

Jack + Boone = Jack could have been getting married to Sarah through Boone's mother's bridal company. * (link)

Danielle + Kate = Danielle's team member Montand could be Kate's buddy Ray from down under. Montand lost his arm and Ray has a prosthetic arm (in Tabula Rasa) (link)

Kate + Hurley = Ray ^ could have known Sam Toomey before he killed himself. Both of them are older Australians. *

Kate + Hurley = When Kate goes to the post-office (in BTR), the clerk pulls her letter out of a shoe box with the brand name, Brown Shoe. This company could be Hurley's shoe factory that burnt down in Canada. *

Hurley + Ethan = If Ethan was off the island and in Canada one year before the crash he could have owned a pair of shoes from Hurley's shoe company. (link)

Shoes + Everyone = There have been a few threads about the shoes in Lost. Some people think there is some special significance to the character's shoes. (link)
At the Airport & Hotel
Sayid + Shannon = Sayid asked Shannon to watch his bags & she turned him in for leaving unattended luggage.

Charlie + Hurley = Hurley tried to get on the hotel elevator but it was full, Charlie was one of the 'passengers'.

Hurley + Arzt = Hurley tried to cut in line a person ahead of Leslie.

Jack + Jin = In Jack's first episode, you see Jin standing in line behind Jack, and vice versa for Jin's episode.
Interactions on the Plane
Claire + Arzt = Arzt helped Claire with her luggage.

Jack + Locke = Exchanged quick, friendly grins.

Hurley + Walt = Hurley gave Walt a thumbs-up and Walt smiled at him.

Walt + Michael = Walt and Michael sat next to each other.

Kate + the Marshall = Kate was sitting next to the Marshall (Edward Mars) as a prisoner. She essentially saved his life by putting on his oxygen mask for him after he is knocked unconscious.

Jack + Rose = Jack sat across the row from Rose and comforted her because she was nervous without her husband, Bernard, who was in the bathroom.

Shannon + Boone = Being siblings, they sat next to each other.

Charlie + Jack/Rose + Shannon/Boone = Charlie squeezed past both pairs on his escape from the flight attendants.

Quelle: Lost-Media

- Editiert von Falanyel am 25.06.2005, 23:34 -

Profil von Snuffkin Snuffkin
Verbindungen der Insulaner - 26.06.2005, 00:09:47nach oben
LiveJournalMSN MessengerICQ
23291 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
The Darkness

Nein, mir ist nit fad

Profil von Tony Army Tony Army
Verbindungen der Insulaner - 26.06.2005, 11:19:23nach oben
Homepage von Tony Army
5184 Posts: Survival Expert
Goddamn Hero

Da könnte man ja denken, dass Hurley, Shannon, Charlie und Sawyer ein wenig im Mittelpunkt stehen.
Das sind bestimmt die letzten 4 Überlebenden nach der "42 23 16 15 8 4 - Sind die Zahlen der Überlebenden"-Theorie!

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.

Verbindungen der Insulaner - 26.06.2005, 18:19:08nach oben


Wenn ich mir das Schaubild anschaue, fällt auf, daß Walt und Michael nur miteinander in Beziehung stehen und Sun nur mit ihrem Mann. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, daß sich das in S2 noch ändern wird, denn bei den bisherigen Verbindungen aller ...

Verbindungen der Insulaner - 26.06.2005, 19:30:35nach oben


*lol* ich finde irgendwie hängt alles in dieser Serie zusammen und das macht das ganze so spannend weil man nicht genau weiß warum genau alles so gekommen is sind zu Häufige "zufälle"

Profil von Hans Hans
Verbindungen der Insulaner - 26.06.2005, 19:41:51nach oben
Homepage von Hans
23032 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
Le Protector

Boah, Snuffi, du armes gelangweiltes Ding.

Sortier jez noch die Namen nach der Anzahl der Buchstaben mit Berücksichtigung der Zahlen 4, 8 und 15, und schon hast du ne Landkarte der Insel, wetten?

Profil von Snuffkin Snuffkin
Verbindungen der Insulaner - 26.06.2005, 20:06:29nach oben
LiveJournalMSN MessengerICQ
23291 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
The Darkness

Oder ein Plan für die Nanobots

Profil von Tony Army Tony Army
Verbindungen der Insulaner - 26.06.2005, 23:13:00nach oben
Homepage von Tony Army
5184 Posts: Survival Expert
Goddamn Hero

Original von Snuffkin
Oder ein Plan für die Nanobots

Genau das wird es sein! Ich mach mich gleich mal dran die Baulpäne zu entwickeln!

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.

Verbindungen der Insulaner - 14.07.2005, 15:37:48nach oben


Die Verbindungen sind schon krass das kann kein zuafall sein or doch
Lost verwirrt mich total aber das mag ich daran

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