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In diesem Thread befinden sich 107 Posts. Er wurde 16994 mal gelesen.
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Mysteries of the Universe - 25.07.2009, 14:51:03nach oben


na also, dann hätten wir das endlich geklärt

Mysteries of the Universe - 03.08.2009, 13:22:51nach oben


Nicht vergessen, morgen gehts weiter.

Wird ne Gesamtdauer von 25 Minuten haben. Find ich cool

Profil von nikm4nn nikm4nn
Mysteries of the Universe - 04.08.2009, 13:34:38nach oben

144 Posts: Lost One

ja wann kommt der spaß? und wieso glaube ich, der einzig wirklich interessante part, wird der letzte?

Mysteries of the Universe - 04.08.2009, 19:10:22nach oben


part 2 auf seit 1

mit phils nachbar

Profil von Dan Dan
Mysteries of the Universe - 04.08.2009, 19:31:44nach oben
Homepage von DanLiveJournalSkypeMSN MessengerICQ
8786 Posts: On Jacob's List
Dan - The Man

Die Frage 5 bei den Interviews: Who Is Your Constant? Aber auch die vorherige Frage ist interessant: What would you Sacrifice To survive?...

Und auf dem kleinen "Ufo" in der Wüste stand der Lost-Schriftzug....

Profil von titus titus
Mysteries of the Universe - 04.08.2009, 20:07:12nach oben

1463 Posts: Scout

Das ist total cool das die so was zwischendurch machen. Das mit Phil war gut, hab so das Gefühl das da alle Misterösen Dinge bald etwas mit Dharma und der Insel zu tun haben. 100% kommt in den nächsten Folgen etwas über Religionen bzw Jesus oder Mohammed die waren sicher auch mal auf der Insel.

A cloned world nearly ends

Profil von Moira Moira
Mysteries of the Universe - 04.08.2009, 21:14:04nach oben

1251 Posts: Scout


Böser, großer, evil Klappstuhl

Mysteries of the Universe - 04.08.2009, 22:20:04nach oben


Interessantes Video. Wer hat noch S.King gesehen???

Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht...Die Fragen fand ich ganz interessant. Who is your constant und What would you sacrifice to survive... @Dan

Bin gespannt, was uns die andere Folgen noch zeigen...

Profil von Dr.Faraday Dr.Faraday
Mysteries of the Universe - 05.08.2009, 11:54:18nach oben
1122 Posts: Scout

waow..Das ist mal ne coole Sache.
Lustig gemacht mit der alten Sendung.
Bis jetzt zwar noch nix neues dadurch herausgefunden aber interessant ist est trozdem.
Freue mich aufs nächste!

If it doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make sense.

Mysteries of the Universe - 05.08.2009, 14:32:23nach oben


wieviel ufos und aliens habt ihr gezählt?

Profil von Moira Moira
Mysteries of the Universe - 05.08.2009, 18:33:06nach oben

1251 Posts: Scout

Da meine Lautsprecher jetzt endgültig am Ende sind, habe ich mich mal auf die Suche nach einem Transcript begeben: hier ist es:


Mysteries Of The Universe - The Dharma Initiative (Episode 2)
We now return to “Mysteries of the Universe – The Dharma Initiative”
Outside of Las Vegas Nevada 1978
A university of Las Vegas college student purchases a jumpsuit for a costume party at a local thrift store.
He attends the party dressed as a janitor. During the course of the evening he is photographed for the college newspaper. Three weeks later, a mysterious knock sounds at the door of his fraternity house. Two men begin to ask a series of detailed questions to the student in regard to the origin of his costume. The men eventually leave after learning all they can, leaving the befuddled youth in a cloud of unanswered questions of his own. The only distinguishing feature of this garment is this logo, a curiously shaped octagon with the word Dharma in the middle. What was once an innocent Halloween costume is now the impetus for a much larger investigation at hand. What or who is the dharma initiative.

Aliens, flying saucers, abductions. Nevada has long been known for an area of considerable importance to otherworldly creatures. Some claim that the area is a veritable hotbed of extra- terrestrial activity known as Area 51. Could the proximity of this incident in relation to area 51 be a link to an answer? It is suspected that workers at the infamous military base are known to wear color coded jumpsuits, much like the one found in the thrift store, that designate their rank and occupation. Those that work there, or claim to work there are said to vanish, for long periods of time. If the government or someone who claiming to be from the government is concerned about a missing article of clothing, then why are they not concerned with a person gone missing? In the following interview, we speak with someone who claims that his neighbor vanished after completing a job interview with a mysterious group that was looking to fill an open position.

“My neighbor Phil was looking for a job, he said he was on round 5 of an interview for this group out in michigan. 5 interviews is a lot of interviews, especially for a security guard position. Phil said they had him take all sorts of weird head exams, ink blots, and just kind of random exams like that.”
“So tell me, when was the last time you saw Phil?”
“*sigh* The last time I saw phil…um he said something about going back for the last interview, and I never saw the guy again. Someone came and sold his house, took his car, took his dog, his girlfriend didn’t even know. I called the Police, they said they would investigate, it was a year ago. The guy is gone. “

Cases like this are not unique. The United States is riddled with stories of people disappearing after participating in questionable job interviews. There are 4 common traits of the Job postings. This graphic watermark, the quantity of similar job openings, “strange” tests, and the large number of interviews. And almost without fail, after accepting the position, the applicant disappears.
A large number of interviews for occupations such as physicist and engineer are standard. But why would a job opening for a car mechanic require 5 interviews? Why does a janitor position involve psychological testing? Why do these people leave without explanation?

Portland Oregon --
Our investigation of similar disappearances led us to this woman. A grade school teacher named Olivia. Her family and friends said she applied for a teaching position, interviewed heavily for the job, and then left without a trace. Her apartment was sub leased for three years with no explanation of her absence. Her parents were recently interviewed:
“She just left one day, disappeared and I haven’t heard from her since.”
“ Do you think she left for a job or…”
“Huh…a job, she had a job, I think she’s gone. “
Note the graphic seal on the upper right corner of this preliminary job application. Supplied to us by Olivia’s parents. It matches the one on the jumpsuit and job posting. Secret societies are known to use special identifying symbols to assist members in identification of official documents and property. Often used in these interviews is the rorshock test . This test is used with the psychiatric community to assist in determining a person’s mental state. It is also used on the criminally insane.
Here is a list of questions we found for an interview:
What three words describe you? What animal do you identify with? Describe your first kiss in three words Who is your constant? What would you sacrifice to stay alive? What makes you cry? You just stole a sick child's toy. Why?

Why should a veterinarian be profiled in the same manner as a psychotic killer? Intense interviews, psychological tests, disappearances, secrecy… if someone or some gropu is putting this much effort into interviews, then exactly what type of organization is this. All the puzzle pieces are there, but the more we try to put them together, more pieces are added to the table. An ever expanding table, and the place setting is serving up…. Mystery.

Quelle (um mich nicht mit fremden Federn zu schmücken) http://mysteriesoftheuniversetranscripts.blogspot.com/

Irgendwei hat mich die Erwähnung des Berufes des Tierarztes an Bens Aktivitäten in Berlin erinnert...

Hab ich gerade noch in den Comments gelesen:

A reference to Phil's dog. And the timing of the early 1970s would coincide with Locke's story of the dog that came and spent time with his foster mother. So... is it the same dog, and are both dogs... Vincent ?


Deneph, how do you know she [Olivia] is Horace's sister? I mean, sure, they had the same last name, but they could've been married (which collides with his marriage to Amy).

Was haltet ihr davon?

- Editiert von Moira am 05.08.2009, 21:47 -

- Editiert von Moira am 05.08.2009, 21:47 -

Böser, großer, evil Klappstuhl

Profil von Boxman Boxman
Mysteries of the Universe - 05.08.2009, 22:20:41nach oben
7635 Posts: On Jacob's List

Wirklich sehr interessant und auch sehr schön gemacht. Immer wieder cool finde ich diese Überschneidungen. Ach und der Hinweis am Ende ist auch interessant: "watch the extended version of "Mysteries of the Universe" exclusively on the Lost Season 5 DVD" Freu mich da schon drauf.

The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.

Profil von Timebender Timebender
Mysteries of the Universe - 05.08.2009, 22:38:15nach oben
Homepage von TimebenderMSN MessengerICQ
252 Posts: Stranded One

Original von Moira

Da bin ich platt!
Nachdem ich mich beschwert hatte,
daß sie in S05 nicht vorkam, plötzlich sowas!

Profil von mike15 mike15
Mysteries of the Universe - 05.08.2009, 22:38:39nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

Original von Boxman
Wirklich sehr interessant und auch sehr schön gemacht. Immer wieder cool finde ich diese Überschneidungen. Ach und der Hinweis am Ende ist auch interessant: "watch the extended version of "Mysteries of the Universe" exclusively on the Lost Season 5 DVD" Freu mich da schon drauf.

Vll sind die auf der Videokassette drauf...

Profil von Boxman Boxman
Mysteries of the Universe - 05.08.2009, 22:42:21nach oben
7635 Posts: On Jacob's List

@mike: Daran habe ich auch schon gedacht. Wäre auf jeden Fall stylish und passend, aber ich denke das wir irgendwie auch auf der "normalen" Variante enthalten sein.

The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.

Profil von Naily Naily
Mysteries of the Universe - 06.08.2009, 11:37:26nach oben
Homepage von Naily
716 Posts: Button Pusher

ich bin ja schon sehr gespannt auf die letzten 3 videos, aber ich meine das alles sind nicht nur Lückenfüller ich könnte mir vorstellen das wir hier die Einleitung ins nächste ARG erleben.

Meine Serien-Top-5:

Profil von Jack23 Jack23
Mysteries of the Universe - 06.08.2009, 12:28:35nach oben
9396 Posts: On Jacob's List

Wirklich ganz nett bisher. Vorallem die Stimme des Erzählers ist sehr passend.

Mysteries of the Universe - 07.09.2009, 20:10:17nach oben



seite 1 und so

Mysteries of the Universe - 07.09.2009, 21:57:25nach oben


ich nehm mal an in der kriche wurde der Lamppost erbaut.
fragt sich nur warum gerade in ner kirche. nur ums so geheim zu halten?

Mysteries of the Universe - 07.09.2009, 22:12:24nach oben


Womit fahren U-Boote? Mit was anderem als Schiffe, Flugzeuge und so?
Und kann mir jemand übersetzen was der Interviewte gesagt hat?
Ich hab kaum was verstanden

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