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The Lost Experience Act 2 - 19.07.2006, 07:58:33nach oben



Ich habe einen echt interessanter Artikel für TLE (The Lost Experience) gefunden. Ich werde das komische Gefühl nicht los, dass sich hinter diesem Artikel etwas verbirgt. Irgendwelche nützliche Infos...


The Lost Experience Act 2 - 20.07.2006, 07:40:24nach oben


Auf der DJ DAN Seite gibt es gleich ZWEI neue Werbevideos von Thomas Mittlewerk:

Für das Life Extension Project: http://www.djdan.am/mittelwerk1.html
Für die Mathematical Forecasting Initiative: http://www.djdan.am/mittelwerk2.html

Für diejenigen, die Mittlewerk nicht richtig verstanden haben, hier das Transcript:

What if 90 years was just the beginning?
Life extension. It's the grand summation of all our work. The Hanso Life Extension Project.
We're reaching out to a better tomorrow.
Now, many wonder, is it safe, is it ethical? We say, meet Joop. He's happy, healthy,
and 105 years old!
We saved Joop from the ravages of time. Now, he's helping us to save our own lives.

The brute force of Nature. Need we always live at its mercy? Life's tragedies: they bring
pain, but they also bring understanding. While Nature's fury cannot be checked,
the human cost can be.
With the Hanso Mathematical Forecasting Initiative, we're advancing warning systems and
speeding disaster relief.
At the Hanso Foundation, we're reaching out to a better tomorrow, in which Man and Nature
live in harmony.

Alvar Hanso
The Lost Experience Act 2 - 21.07.2006, 21:43:16nach oben


Neues Video von Rachel:


Auf gehts nach Sri Lanka!!!

Profil von Snuffkin Snuffkin
The Lost Experience Act 2 - 21.07.2006, 23:00:16nach oben
LiveJournalMSN MessengerICQ
23291 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
The Darkness

*lol* Das war so klar, dass sie sich selbst am Spiegelbild erschreckt

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 24.07.2006, 11:10:07nach oben


@Alvar Hanso: Du warst einwenig voreilig. Zuvor passierte noch mehr.

Sorry, dass ich erst jetzt die Zusammenfassung schreiben kann, aber mich hat die Sommergrippe erwischt.

Nun zurück zum 20.07.06

Rachel hat ein Video unter monster.com versteckt. Das zeigt schon mal, dass sie noch am leben ist. Das Video zeigt eine Konversation mit dem schwarzgekleideten Mann. Hier das Video und anschliessend das Transcript:

http://content.monster.com/archives/video/ -> unter: Can She Trust Him?

Man: Not on camera Miss Blake. Unless you want them to know who you really are.

Rachel puts glassescam on and waits for the man to continue.

Man: You have caused an awful lot of trouble for me.

Rachel: Want to tell me who you are?

M: Hanso Foundation. Tech support.

R: I'm being terrorized by IT?

M: I've worked for Mittelwerk a long time. I erase things. Bank accounts, e-mails, cell phones... people.

R: Zander? Darla?

M: No, that wasn't me. What happened to them was not by my hand. But I knew. And I've seen what you've been doing. I've been on to you ever since you've hacked the Hanso Foundation website. I came to your hotel room in Copenhagen to warn you Rachel. But you...

R: You should have knocked. Why do YOU want to help ME?

M: Because I don't want to be a part of it anymore. Because he wants me to help you. And... *Scrambled part* Now let's talk about you. I heard your mother died. Is she the one who told you?

R: *Nods*

M: Then I'm hoping I can trust you, with this. *Hands Rachel a key*

R: What is this?

M: I intercepted an e-mail. I kept it from Mittelwerk and his enforcers. Hugh and Darla had a flat. In St. Germain des Pres. You can find all your answers there. Tell the world Rachel, make a scandal. It's the only way to stop them.

R: I, I don't understand, you have the access, why don't you tell everyone?

M: Look at who I am. There's no one I can tell. You have a vested interest. But me... after this I'm gone, underground. Good luck Rachel.

R: Hey wait, I just... Thank you.

M: Don't, don't. I'm going to Hell. I'm just making sure Mittelwerk is there to keep me company.

Rachel macht sich nun auf, die Wohnung von Hugh und Darla in St. Germain des Pres zu observieren. Siehe Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77h6n1lJC1E

Hier das Transcript

Rachel: I’m in Hugh and Darla’s flat. Looks like our turncoat IT guy was right, Mittelwerk didn’t know about this place.

(Looks around. Rachel then jumps in a fright)

(Voices can be heard down the hall by neighbours. Rachel creeps into the bedroom, finding a note to “Gidget”. She reads it aloud)

Heading to the racket club, didn’t wanna wake you. Can you be ready by three? I’ll swing round and pick you up. Hugh.

If I was Darla…I’d hide it… (looks at video cassettes, particularly one entitled “videos of Gidget”) behind a video of Gidget?

(The feed begins to fast forward as Rachel moves around the flat, coming to a halt at a table. She switches on the light to examine Darla’s package)

OK guys, here goes (opens the package). An ID, my face on it. Healthway Alliance. A plane ticket, Sri Lanka? THAT was the island?! All these injections for Sri Lanka? What the hell? (picks up a remote control, presses the power on. After a tone, Darla appears on the television).

Darla: Rachel, erm, I guess I feel a bit ashamed coming to you like this. But, please, understand why I had my friend deliver this package to you in the park. By the time you’re watching this I’ll be…urgh see that’s the reason – the end of that sentence is always dead and god knows I don’t want to be that cliché. By the time you watch this, I’ll have left the bloody country, I’ll have left him, I’ll have run. I made you an ID pass, use it. Mittelwerk’s about to do something awful Rachel, er I’m not quite sure what but, I know you, you’ll find out. Just one last bit, erm. If Hugh’s still, you know, around. Look, I know how you feel about his people and about us but, I love him Rachel – there’s still a good man in there. He got caught up but he’s been helping me. Sri Lanka was the last job for him too, and, believe it or not but, he’s been protecting you. Mittelwerk’s convinced, at least for now. He doesn’t want a martyr on his hands. But that doesn’t mean he won’t change his mind. Especially after you uncover what’s happening in Sri Lanka. So, be safe love, and get the bastards for me will ya? Once this is all said and done we’ll have martinis in Monte Carlo. You know, I never met the big man, Hanso, but something tells me he’d be pr-… (video is turned off)

(Rachel looks at other documents in the package)

Rachel: Spider Protocol Trial J…and….this is the ship! Paik Heavy Industry, the Hanso Foundation. The Helgus Antonius, it…it’s a hospital ship. Oh god, why are all the wards labelled quara… (cuts out).

Dieses Video war echt ausgefuchst versteckt. Zuerst musste man mal herausfinden, wie das neue Passwort auf retriversoftruth heisst, nämlich "STEINBECK" . Dann erfährt man, dass man auf die Seite http://www.richerdeeperbroader.com/ gehen soll. Unter "fuel passions" findet man unter dem roten Pfeil einen versteckten Link für das Popupfenster.

Login: rblake
Passwort: hoo-gonchoi

ok, wir wissen nun schon wieder viel mehr. Bevor es nun nach Sri Lanka geht, hier noch ein paar Bilder:


- Editiert von halux am 24.07.2006, 14:18 -

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 24.07.2006, 11:13:04nach oben


Rachel ist nun in Sri Lanka angekommen und schreibt uns folgendes:

Sri Lanka. I arrived Saturday. I was lucky to get out.

I can't even begin to tell you the things I've seen. I wish I could just show you. But I'm afraid it's not that simple this time.

They're after me - like they've never been before.

The situation has become TOO DANGEROUS - too dangerous for me and too dangerous for anyone who possesses this evidence. We've all seen what these people are capable of. I can't put anyone at risk by just uploading it to some host site.

So, I'm resorting to desperate measures. It's the only way. The truth is still within our grasp...

I promise this will all become clear in the coming days.

Keep fighting -


The Lost Experience Act 2 - 24.07.2006, 11:23:54nach oben


Ich habe mal geschrieben, dass diese Seite aufgetaucht ist http://hansoexposed.com/ . Nun ist sie übrigens aktiv. Ich muss mich aber erst einwenig einarbeiten, bevor ich das kapiere. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass dies zu Akt III gehört. Damit ihr euch dort ein paar Videos anschauen könnt, braucht ihr sogenannte Fragmentcodes. Auf dieser Seite findet ihr immer die neuen Codes: http://members.aol.com/mattthepale/fragments.html

Nebenbei: Rachel Blake's Auftritt bei der Comic-con war auch echt cool. Hier das Video von ihrem "speziellen" Auftritt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvVJNYZ5PuQ

- Editiert von halux am 24.07.2006, 11:30 -

- Editiert von halux am 24.07.2006, 11:33 -

- Editiert von halux am 24.07.2006, 14:17 -

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 24.07.2006, 12:56:22nach oben


also gerade durch meinen urlaub bin ich aus TLE raus und hab auch so
nen bischen das interesse verloren, aber das comic con video war ja
mal total rofl..

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 24.07.2006, 14:17:17nach oben


Kurz vor Mittag ist auf Rachels Page ein neuer Fragment Code aufgetaucht: 487L

...und dann am Abend sind gleich nochmals 4 Codes gefunden worden:


- Editiert von halux am 25.07.2006, 07:12 -

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 25.07.2006, 10:24:02nach oben


hier mal eine information, die nur am rande mit the lost experience zu tun hat:

rachel blake heisst in wirklichkeit jamie silberhartz und ist eine neue, junge schauspielerin, die erst vor kurzem die schauspielschule absolviert hat und mal eine cheerleaderin im film sissy frenchfry (2005) gespielt hat.

wir kennen rachel nur als ungeschminktes fräulein auf der flucht. hier mal ein "aufgemachtes" foto von ihr:

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
The Lost Experience Act 2 - 25.07.2006, 19:21:10nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

lol. Kristin von e Online meinte sie heisst: "jaime Silberhatz" ... deshalb habe ich bei google nix gefunden.

Profil von Salocin Salocin
The Lost Experience Act 2 - 25.07.2006, 20:37:16nach oben

8594 Posts: On Jacob's List
Grrr. Argghh.

Kristin meint gerne so einiges, aber oft ist das nur Quatsch.

The Lost Experience Act 2 - 26.07.2006, 07:26:37nach oben





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