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Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Episode 7 8 9 Zusammenfassung - 18.12.2006, 17:11:16nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

von 4815162342.com

Also, wenn es stimmt, dann spoilert es enorm, wenn nicht, wars trotzdem lustig
Es klingt aber nach dem Wahnsinn in Bild und ton!!!

Das Klingt so GEIL! Locke sieht einen Hatch! Die Schiessen Ben an, dass er bei dem Spiel mit den Eisbären verliert. PENNY KOMMT! BEN wird gebraucht, um von der Insel zu kommen, ist aber verletzt ... LOCKE bleibt bei den anderen. JACOB ist PATCHY!!!
UND DESMOND sieht voraus, dass Charlie an Drogen stirbt ...
-> Aber ich glaubs trotzdem nicht

Lost Season 3. Episode 7. Not in Portland
C.Cuse J.Pinkner

Opening scene:
Penny, Cristiano and Luis on a yacht, pan around to show no land only sea and sky all around.
Cristiano: “I’m sorry Ms. Widmore, I don’t understand, the co-ordinates are dead ahead, the Island should be right there”
Luis: “We should head back…”
Penny : “no keep going, its there I can feel it…”
Luis: “Ms. Widmore with all respect if it were near we would be able to….”

Pan back to show there faces looking ahead in amazement

Luis: “what!? How the….” CUT TO LOST OPENING GRAPHIC

Kate spins around hitting the guy in the face with the radio, knocking him clean out. Sawyer stands up has a fight with Pickett, eventually Sawyer overpowers him. Kate and Sawyer drag him into the cage and lock them in

Locke, Sayid, Desmond, Nikki and Paulo are walking through the jungle.
Sayid “where are you taking us, John?”
Locke stops and ponders for a moment
Locke: “I’m following my faith, Sayid. See where it takes me”
Desmond: “What are your plans if we find this other station?”
Locke: “well, when we get there I‘ll know”
Sayid: “what if we arent prepared for what is ahead of us?”
Locke: “Sayid, the island will provide for us!”
Paulo: “Hey Locke, do ya think, maybe, the island could drop me a ice cold beer?”
Locke: “Be carefull what you wish for, Paulo”
Paulo: “yeah, I forgot to ask for a bottle opener”
Nikki cuts in..
Nikki: “hey guys, whats that….”
They all stare ahead, wide-eyed

Sawyer and Kate enter the O.R with Tom hostage. They have guns taken from Pickett.

Sawyer: “Lets get the hell out of here, Doc”
Jack: “What are you doing here, I said RUN??”
Kate: “We arent leaving without you Jack!”
Jack: “I cant leave, I promised Ben”
Sawyer: “I’m not hearing you right, Doc, you mean you’re gonna do this operation, afer everything?”
Jack: “yeah, and I want you to run, get the hell out of here and back to the camp”
Kate: “we cant”
Jack: “what? Why on earth not, Kate!”
Kate: ”We’re on another island”
Jack: “that’s impossible”
Sawyer: “Doc! I saw it with my own eyes, we’re about 2 miles away”
Jack grinds his teeth, hand on head he paces back and forth a few times, he turns to Juliet
Jack: “boats, you must have boats to get back and forward, where are they!”
Juliet stares, a drop of the shoulders and a sigh…
Juliet: “Due south, there’s a small pier with 2 small boats about ten minutes from here”
Jack turns and points to Pickett
Jack: “You, you take them and go with them, Kate! Keep him as a hostage until you are safe, now get out of here.”
Kate: “Jack no we’re not…”
Jack: “KATE!! This isn’t optional, you’ve got to trust me, I’ll be safe here, you wont, please for me, go!”
Kate’s face contorts with pain as she realises she has to leave Jack behind
Sawyer: “Come on freckles, lets go, Doc, you sure you know what you’re doing?”
Jack: “Yeah! Im sure Sawyer” nods his head

Scene 4:
Charlie is pulling faces at Aaron as Claire looks on laughing, Hurley approaches

Hurley “hey dudes! Any of you expecting a yacht today?
Camera swings to view behind Charlie, Claire and Hurley.
A yacht can be seen not to far out, anchored. A small rowing boat approaches with 3 people on board…

Scene 5:
Locke, Sayid, Desmond, Nikki and Paulo are looking at a wide clear opening, the coast in sight, small island right ahead, a hatch door in the centre of the clearing. One pair of double doors lead into the ground, one of them is eerily open….
Sayid: “John, let me go in first”
Locke: “Nobodys doing anything just yet”
Nikki: “so what do we do now”
Paulo: “Find my fridge!”
Desmond: “Locke, DO NOT go into that hatch”
Locke: “Desmond, who are you to tell me what I can and cant do?”
Desmond: “If you go into that Hatch you WILL die!!”

Juliet flashbacks to be added, but are not in this rough draft...

Lost Season 3. Episode 8. Media Mogul
C.Cuse J.Pinkner

Opening scene:
On the beach, Charlie wades into the sea upto waist hight to help the small boat ashore. Once ashore Luis and Cristiano drag the boat up the beach.
Penny speaks to the group that have gathered.
Penny: “I’m looking for Desmond Hume”
Claire: “Desmond, how do? How.. Who….”
Penny: “He’s my fiancé have you seen him, is he alright”
Charlie: “He’s off with locke”
Penny: “What about ben, where is ben?
Confused look on charlies face…


Scene1: O.R Room
Jack is sewing the stitches into Ben’s back.
He looks up to Juliet
Jack: “so Juliet, What happens now?”
Juliet: “I don’t know”
Jack: “ah come one Juliet, do you want to kill me? Do you want to kill ben or..” Juliet interrupts
Juliet: “Oh Jack, you really don’t understand yet do you”
Jack: “Well why don’t you let me understand”
Juliet: “Ben is a man of his word, whatever he agreed with you, he will stick to it”
Jack: “ok he’s all done, can I trust you with him until he comes round?”
Juliet: “yes, I am not a murderer Jack”
Jack: “no, course not”
Jack leaves the room to be confronted by several others including pickett who smacks Jack full force in his face with the butt of a rifle, Jack hit’s the floor

Scene2: The Hatch
Whispers all around Locke, Sayid, Desmond, Nikki and Paulo causing them to look all around but no sign of anyone or anything.
Then at the open door, standing half-in half-out is Boone. Boone is facing and looking directly east. His head slowly turns towards the group, his face emotionless, he turns and climbs down the hatch entrance

Paulo: “He looked awfully like that guy that died in that plane”
Locke: “it’s a sign that it is safe”
Desmond: “The hell it is, John. There is nothing in that hatch apart from certain death”
Locke: “Desmond, What is in that hatch is destiny, my destiny. I need to go in there, you must understand”

Scene 3: In the boat
Sawyer, Kate and Tom are on a small boat heading directly south towards the main island. Kate has a gun pointed at Tom.
Tom: “you know you’re making a big mistake”
Sawyer: “Shuut-uppp or you can get out here and walk”
Tom: “We’re the good guys, you’re heading for the, how shall I put it, not so good guys” smirks
Sawyer: “well I’ll take my chances, besides, I’ve got me a hostage”
Tom laughs: “You have no idea”
The boat approaches the shore where Locke and his group are heading to meet them
Sawyer: “Well looky here freckles, it’s the rescue party!”

Scene 4:Hatch 2
Locke heads towards the hatch while the rest of his group head to meet the boat, Desmond turns to see Locke
Desmond: “LOCKE!!! NOO!!”
Locke enters the hatch and the door slams shut
Locks climbs down about 30ft of ladders and enters through a corridor, he removes his shoes
Locke: “Hello? Anybody home?”
Jacob: “Mr John Locke!”
Locke: “Do I know you?”
Jacob: “We’ve been watching you, you understand don’t you, you understand your reason for being here”
Locke: “Well I’m still putting the pieces together”
Jacob: “come lets talk”
They enter a large room with about 30 screens all feeding live footage, Locke looks aghast

Scene 5:Hatch 3
Desmond is pounding on the hatch door but cant open it, everybody else comes across, Desmond pauses, slowly looks up his eyes widen
Desmond: “Pen, Pen” he looks to his side.
Sayid: “Desmond, what is it?”
Desmond: “ive got to go, I must get to the beach now”
Desmond runs off for the boat, climbs aboard starts the engine and heads off.
Sawyer: “Hey that’s mine, you owe me for it”
Desmond: yells back: “One million pounds brother”
Sawyer: “Sure, its all yours” he yells

Scene 6:Hydra
Jack wakes suddenly, he sits up slowly, his right cheek is bruised and swollen, he touches it tenderly. Through the screen he sees a pale and shakey looking Ben.

Ben: “Jack, you have disappointed me. I thought we had a deal, me and you”
Jack: “What we do, did, what? Have they said to you, what did she say, you know she wanted you dead don’t you” he begins to get more irate and stands up to the screen
Ben: “Sit down Jack, rest, Tomorrow you will your strength,”
Close up of Ben staring without blinking..
Ben: “Tomorrow will be extremely unpleasant for you………Jack”

Lost Season 3. Episode 9. The Path
L.**** C.Cuse D.Lindelof

Opening scene:
Close up of Jacks left eye, he is awoken by Juliet coming into his cell with a breakfast tray.
Juliet: “Good morning Jack, How are you feeling?”
Jack: shakes his head: “what is it with you people”
Juliet: “Come on Jack eat you breakfast”
Jack: “you’re not listening, get Ben, I..WANT..TO..SEE..BEN”
Juliet: “you’ll see Ben, eat your breakfast”turns to walk away
Jack goes to grab her, She’s ready and shock’s him
Juliet: “tut-tut Jack I thought we were friends”
Jack lies on the floor barely able to move
Ben enters the cell aided by Pickett and Sam
Ben: “You gambled with my life Jack, DO..YOU..KNOW..HOW..THAT. .MAKES..ME..FEEL?”
Jack: still in agony “they wanted you dead” gasps for air “Juliet….wanted…you dead…”
Pickett and Sam drop Ben, he hit’s the floor and rives in terrible pain, Jack looks on…
Juliet: “Today, one of you lives, one of you dies!”


Flashback 1
We see a tattooist applying a tattoo to an arm, camera pans out and it’s a brunette woman, Bethany. Jack is sitting nearby smiling at her
Jack: “I cant believe I let you talk me into this”
Beth: “you’re letting loose a little Jack, remember? Learn to just go with the flow”
Jack: “Look at me? If my dad could see me now he’d have a cardiac”
Beth: “Well he’s not here…”smiles towards jack
Next they are walking down a luscious golden sandy beach, hand in hand, arms bandaged over. They are giggling
Jack: “ow” he laughs
Beth: “do you ever think about it”
Jack: “sometimes”
Beth: “maybe it was for the best”
Jack: nods “maybe it was”
Beth: “Jaaaacckk, but..”
Jack: “Its left a void you know, a big gap in my life”
Beth: “it wasn’t your fault”
Zoom on Jacks face

Desmond sails by the camp, the boat slows down, he jumps out and swims the short distance to shore.
Desmond: “Pen,” raises his voice “Penny” starts shouting “PENNY”
Desmond stops in his tracks, he looks ahead and there is Penny looking straight at him, they stare just taking in the site of each other, a site they had dared not believe they would see again.
They embrace, Desmond holds her tight, tears on his cheek.
Desmond: “I thought I’d lost you, I thought I’d never see you again”
Penny: “I never doubted us, Desmond, not ever”
Desmond: “How did you find me?”
Penny: “It wasn’t easy, must act quickly if we want to go home, we need to find Ben”
Desmond: “Ben? Why Ben”
Penny: “My father and him, its complicated

Scene2: The Hydra
Jack and Ben are put into a cage, as Jack looks around the cage appears to be shaped like an obstacle course. Ben can barely stand.
Juliet with the others standing around her.
Juliet: “Jack, this is for your benefit, Ben knows what is going to happen, you do not. You have 60 seconds to get as far into the obstacle course as possible before we release the polar bear. The first one to be caught dies. The other is the winner and lives for another day”
Jack: “hey! I’m not running, I’m not playing your games anymore”
Juliet: “All you had to do Jack was let him die, but no, you had to be the hero! Jack saves the day right!!”

Flashback 2
Jack is wearing a suit and is sat at a large desk with 6 other men wearing suits
Man#1: “Dr Shepherd, having heard all the evidence presented before us, we have little choice do we?”
Jack: “Its not how it seems, I need more time to prove it”
Man#2: “Look Jack, don’t make this anymore difficult than it needs to be”
Jack stands up
Jack: “You know what? I don’t need this, I’m better than all this, all of you” Swings the door open and storms out
Cut to Jack sitting in a bar drinking whiskey, Beth sits next to him.
Beth: “What you looking for?2
Jack: “Excuse me”
Beth: “In the bottom of the glass!, what are you looking for”
Jack smiles broadly
Jack: “I’m looking for a refill”
Beth: “Tough day huh?”
Jack: “Yeah, something like that, look do you want to get out of here”
Beth: “Sure”
Cut back to Jack on the beach with Beth. They are walking hand and hand off the beach towards a nearby hotel
They enter the hotel reception area.
The receptionist calls out
Receptionist: “Mr Shepherd, we have a message for you”
She passes Jack a note, he reads it, he scrunches it up in his hand as he places his hand to his head and rests on the reception counter tears in his eyes
Jack: “Can I use you phone please” trying to compose himself

Scene 3: Hydra Cage
Juliet: “time starts now Jack, 60, 59.…”
BANG, a gunshot is heard, everybody looks around nobody appears to have shot or have been shot. Then Jack notices Ben has been shot in the stomach. Jack goes to him applying pressure to the pouring wound.
Jack: “Hang in there”
Ben stares Jack in the eyes
Ben: “You could have trusted me Jack, you shoul…d….ha..”
Ben’s head drops, he is gone
Jacob clutching a large pistol with Locke behind him walks towards the group and snarls
Jacob: “Juliet, do you mind telling me what the hell is going on here”
She turns and looks to Jack, All the others including Pickett take a step back and face the ground
Locke: “Jack!”
Jacob: “Get him out of there! Now Juliet this is no way to treat our guests” evil smile
Jacob goes face to face with Jack
Jacob: “Accept my apologies, Jack, he (points to sam) will escort you to a boat and back to your camp, you will receive no harm, you have my word”
Jack doesn’t say a word and walks off, then turns
Jack: “Locke, arent you coming?”
Locke: “oh, no Jack. I’m going to hang around here for a while”
Jack: “Locke???”
Locke: “go on, go”
Jack turns and walks away

Flashback 3

Jack is on the phone, a woman answers:
Woman: “Hello”
Jack: silence
Woman: “hello….Jack?”
Jack: “yeah mom its me, I, er, I got you message”
Woman: “Come home Jack please…
Jack: “I cant mom, you know I cant…”
Woman: “Jack you must we need you, Jack please”
Jack: “goodbye mom” slams the phone down
Beth slides her arms over his shoulders and down his chest
Beth: “Lets go to the bar Jack” she whispers
Jack: nods “yeah” as he puts his hands onto her arms tenderly
Cuts to a scene at the bar where Jack is drunk and being loud and rowdy….

Scene 4:
We see Desmond, Penny, Luis, Cristiano and Charlie packing preparing to set off.
Desmond: “Oh no!!” turns to Penny
Penny: “What is it Desmond”
Desmond: “Ben, how important is he”
Penny: “Without him, we are never getting off this island”
Desmond face contorts, he places his head in his hands. He storms off down the beach very angry, he stares up at the sky
Desmond: “Why?? WHY Me, why us why now? She cant stay here, I don’t believe this”
Charlie turns to Penny
Charlie “Whats up with him”
Penny “I don’t know I’ll go after him”
Charlie: “no let me, please?”
Penny: “ok?” reluctantly
Charlie runs after Desmond, eventually catches him up
Charlie “hey Desmond wait up, DESMOND!”
Desmond: “Go away Charlie”
Charlie: “Desmond, whatever it is you can tell me”
Desmond stops and turns around looking Charlie up and down
Desmond “Tell you, TELL YOU, Look mate you’re a heroin addict, you’ll be dead soon believe me, you’re pathetic, worthless, now get out of my way before I do something YOU regret”
Charlie: “Im not leaving without you, It doesn’t matter what you say, I’m you mate and I’m gonna leave you like this”
Desmond: “You have no Idea what‘s happened to me”
Charlie: “But you can tell me”
Desmond: “You don’t want to know Charlie, get away from me”
Charlie: “Tell me, tell me, tell me”
Desmond attacks Charlie, launching at him
Desmond “you don’t want to know what happened to me, you don’t want to know”
Desmond strangles Charlie until Jin comes running over and pulls Desmond off
Desmond “its over, were all over

Flashback 4
Man stands up in a room full of people sitting on seats in a circle
Man: “Hi, my name is Brandon”
Room: “Hi Brandond”
Man: “……and…..I’m an alcoholic, can I just say that for now?”
Man 2: “of course Brandon, Jack, Jack would you like to say something”
Jack sits in his chair pauses for a while before nodding once, he stands
Jack: clears his throat “hi erm” clears his throat “Hi im Jack”
Room: “Hi Jack”
Jack: Smiles but looks tearful “you know, I hated my father, He was an, an alcoholic. Son of a ***** killed somebody on the operating table, drunk! I got him fired. He then got straight. Then er, my marriage started to break down and I drove him back to drink. I’d become my father, the one thing a feared the most. So I guess what im saying is, im an alcoholic, ive been sober now for 16 days

Scene 6:Beach
Jack returns to the beach to be greeted by all the rest of the camp including Kate whom embraces him, much to a selfish looking Sawyers displeasure

Musical pan of entire camp

- Editiert von Strandkorb am 18.12.2006, 17:22 -

Profil von JohnnySinclair JohnnySinclair
Episode 7 8 9 Zusammenfassung - 18.12.2006, 17:43:31nach oben

6115 Posts: Survival Expert

Kann ich mir irgendwie auch alles nicht vorstellen. Das klingt mehr so nach ner Wunsch-Vorstellung, wie die Folgen aussehen sollten. Und zu den bisher gezeigten Lost Moments passt's doch auch irgendwie nicht.

Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen.

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Episode 7 8 9 Zusammenfassung - 18.12.2006, 17:45:49nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Habs gerade mit Spoilern von Spoilerfix verglichen, scheint auch nicht so zu stimmen, bzw passiert in Flashbacks, die er nicht hat ...

Episode 7 8 9 Zusammenfassung - 18.12.2006, 20:52:53nach oben


Das klingt alles sehr an den Haaren herbeigezoegen, unlogisch und zu simpel. Außerdem sind die Dialoge gar nicht Lost-typisch. Da passieren Sachen in zwei Folgen, die man in einer Szene abhandeln kann... Fazit: Fake.

- Editiert von emyebo am 18.12.2006, 20:57 -

Episode 7 8 9 Zusammenfassung - 19.12.2006, 09:05:45nach oben


Das ganze passt hinten und vorne nicht zu Lost, außerdem wissen wir ja, dass Jack´s Thailand Freundin anders heist und ein paar Folgen länger ihr Unwesen treibt, also was immer auch kommt mit Folge 9 ist es nicht vorbei. Penny wird auch nicht so schnell auftauchen und eher legt Ben Juliett um als umgekehrt - wobei mir trotz allem die Aktion von Locke gefällt

- Editiert von Lyanna am 19.12.2006, 09:06 -

Episode 7 8 9 Zusammenfassung - 19.12.2006, 14:09:59nach oben



also für die Dummen: Jacob is Patchy und wer genau is jetzt wieder Jacob - kenn den Namen schon irgendwo her aber woher ????? Hört sich doch lustig an vorallem das Eisbärenspielchen und das Patchy diesen Freak von Ben umnietet find ich auch schon mal sehr symphatisch

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Episode 7 8 9 Zusammenfassung - 19.12.2006, 17:34:50nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

"JACOB" war der, den Denny erwähnt hat, als er mit Jason Sawyer töten wollte, kurz nachdem er den OP-Beobachtungsraum verlassen hat.
"Shephard wasn't even on Jacob's list"


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