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J. Locke
Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 11:13:06nach oben


Episode 3.19: The Brig (Locke-centric)
Locke senses Ben is deceiving him and leading him into a trap. In the middle of the night he departs the other and sneaks back to the beach to get Sawyer. We learn that the others found Cooper wondering in the Jungle the day after flight 815 crashed. And that Ben didn’t trust him and sensed him as being a bad person, and so like a few other people on the island he was locked up in the island prison. We see that Ben has spent a week courting Locke, offering him a position within the other organization, a position of importance.

Locke sees Ben undergo a rejuvenation of sorts at a new island location, Locke begins to question why Jack needed to do the surgery on Ben if he could be so easily “restored to health” by this new place. Sawyer is taken by Locke to the brig where they read files on all the prisoners, including Cooper, they make the connection that Cooper = The Real Sawyer...Locke & Sawyer argue about what to do with Cooper, Locke runs into the Jungle with the Key to Coopers cell and Sawyer runs him down a takes the key by force.

Sawyer returns to kill Cooper, but Locke show up in time to save his old man, tells him to run for it, and that it is the last time he will do anything for him, tells him he deserves a fighting chance. Sawyer is left locked up in Coopers cell.

Episode 3.20: The Man Behind the Curtain (Ben-centric)
Ben faces serious consequences after Locke’s disappearance. Knowing Jacob will arrive shortly on the island, he prepares to make a more aggressive move against the 815ers. We learn years earlier, Ben and a couple of his co-workers at Dharma were lowly Janitors. One day while painting a hallway in area where top secret experiments are conducted, Ben stumbles into a restricted area looking for something clean up a mess he’d made.

Ben begins to hear a voice calling to him, he follows it, the voice asks for, asking for freedom, Ben follows the instructions of the voice and eventually is led to a Door, out walks Jacob, the very sight of the man immobilizes Ben in terror & awe, the audience does not see his face but Ben does, Jacob approaches Ben, he places his hand on his forehead and Ben is visibly shaken to the point that he blacks out.

When he wakes up, Jacob is gone, and Ben feels very different, stronger, smarter, driven with a purpose, the purpose bring down dharma…Ben uses his new found cunning and powers of manipulation to recruit help in his mission to sabotage and overthrow dharma as the powers that be on the island. All along, Ben is guided from time to time by the voice in his head, the voice of the mysterious Jacob.

Episode 3.21: Greatest Hits (Charlie-centric)
Charlie & Hurley wonder away from the rest of the group while in medical station they followed Mikhail to, Charlie finds something he believes belongs to Sun, Hurley goes to fetch Jin, but Charlie is captured by unseen foes while alone. Locke returns to camp to warn the 815ers that they are in danger from the others and that they should leave the beach and follow him, Jack asks where Sawyer is and who is Locke working for, things are heated, Kate and Juliet get involved in the fray and Locke and Kate leave to get Sawyer.

Naomi regains consciousness long enough to tell Desmond some confusing things about what’s been going on in the outside world while the 815ers have stranded. Jin & Hurley cant find Charlie and alert Desmond to the situation, Mikhail uses the confusion to his advantage, he kills Naomi, forcing Desmond, Jin & Hurley to Kill him.

Charlie is taken to a never before seen island location and questioned about the 815ers, this is where the torture goes down. A new group have arrived on the island, folks who have been here before, they know they way around and they want answers to where every one is, and what they are up to, Charlie does indeed die, but he does not betray his friends.

Episodes 3.22 and 3.23: Through the Looking Glass (Jack-centric)
Jack rallies the beach crew, they begin to make preparations for what they believe will be an all out assault on the 815 survivors, by the others. Locke & Kate return to the Brig to release Sawyer, Locke asks him if he’s cooled down yet, Sawyer warns Locke that he’ll kick his ass when he gets a chance, Locke lets him out, Sawyer punches Locke, but Locke does not fight back.

They hear guns shots and the three hide and watch as gunmen dressed in black line up a half-dozen others and shoot them execution style. Fearing for their lives the retreat into the jungle. Jacob arrives and gathers the his group as a new threat, ex-dharmies bent on revenge show up and begin to reek havoc. All the others, but Ben are evacuated, Jacob warns Ben to fix the mess he’s made on the island or suffer the consequences. Jacob tells Ben he has one month to secure the island or he will die along with everyone else left behind.

In Jacks flashback we see what happen to his father and we see Jack go to the morgue in Australia to identify and claim the body. Jack is confronted by a man claiming to know his father, a man Jack knows too, he’s the same man who reads Claire’s palm and sends her to flight 815 in season one. They talk about Jacks Dad, and Jack is warned his Dad was murdered and that he thinks Jack may be next and to watch his back.

Back on the island Ben finds Locke and the gang in the Jungle and explains some old scores are being settled on the island and if they go with him to the armory they may stand a chance, Sawyer and Kate go to get Jack and Company while Ben and Locke go for the guns. More Gunmen dressed in black descend on the beach Camp a few folks are killed or wounded, but Jack and Company manage to stave off the attackers, before one of the Gunmen dies he radios for back up.

In a flashback Jack is contacted by phone by the physic, asking for a meeting before he leaves Australia, tell him he has new info. Jack goes to meet with the man, but finds him dead. Jack finds a note that tells him he will have to pay for his fathers sins when he gets back home. As he leave the room he runs into a man, who calls himself Jacob, and he looks just like Cooper. Sawyer and Kate try to get Jack and Company to join them with Locke and Ben, but Jack will have none of it.

Kate must choose and she goes with Sawyer and a few other 815ers to join Locke for protection. Hurley, Desmond and Jin run into them as they are leaving and share that Charlie has gone missing and Help is supposed to be on the way. Desmond departs with to meet up with Locke and the gangs while Jin & Hurley stay with Jack and his crew.

Ben and Locke arrive at the armory, but it’s a trap and they are jumped, Ben shows tremendous skill in fighting, and strength, Locke holds his own and the over power the guys in black, as they are patting themselves on their back for beating back the baddies, Locke puts a knife in Ben’s back, killing him, telling him as he dies, he’s tired of his lies and being led in to his traps and that he will tell Jacob of his failure.

Back at Camp Jack, a figure emerges from the Jungle Copper/Jacob, he reveals to Jack that he can get them off the island and rescue the lot of them if the will stop Locke who is planning on destroying a plane he has hidden on the island. Jack, Jin & Sayid head off to face Locke, Sawyer & Desmond. The six meet up deep in the Jungle near some ancient ruins.
Kate who stays behind is grabbed by the baddies that took Charlie, there she sees his dead body, and also sees and underground control room. A room with more the 30 TV monitors all showing different areas of the island, One chair sits in the middle of the room.

There is someone in it. Sayid & Desmond try to keep the peace, when the two groups meet up, while Sawyers tries to get through to Jack. Jin who thinks Locke & the others are behind the disappearance of Sun, go mad at Locke, shoots and wounds him. Jack tells the group that this should be decided between him & Locke they two sides agree…a hand to hand no weapons fights begins. Kate watches as a frail old man rotates from the shadows revealing himself to her…though she has never seen him before, the audience has. Back at the showdown battle Jack and Locke go at it as Sawyer and the rest look on.

Jack and Locke fight to the edge of a cliff, Jack gains the upper hand and Locke is about to go over the edge, but Locke, reveals a small knife and stabs Jack. Jack falls, but manages to grab hold of vines to stop his fall. Locke ask if he yields, and that Locke will save him, if Jack agrees, Jack does so, but as Locke reach to pull him up, Jack dislodges Locke and pulls him over the edge, Locke dangles for a moment hanging from Jack legs…as Kate and the frail old man who looks very much like the aged father of Jack look on in one of the TV screens in the control room Jack & Locke plummet to the bottom of the canyon. The camera cuts before the impact and Jacks dad says to Kate, “don’t worry honey it didn’t kill them last time.”

Profil von Carlyle Carlyle  
Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 12:21:44nach oben
Homepage von CarlyleLiveJournalSkypeMSN MessengerICQAIM
3511 Posts: Leader

Gibts dazu noch eine Quelle? Weil irgendwie glaub ich nicht, dass das alles schon draussen sein soll.

Edit: Und irgendwie glaub ich auch teils Szenen nicht wirklich. Zu random...

- Editiert von Carlyle am 30.04.2007, 12:23 -

Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 13:05:12nach oben


Original von Carlyle
Gibts dazu noch eine Quelle? Weil irgendwie glaub ich nicht, dass das alles schon draussen sein soll.

Edit: Und irgendwie glaub ich auch teils Szenen nicht wirklich. Zu random...

- Editiert von Carlyle am 30.04.2007, 12:23 -

Ich schätze das ist die Quelle :

Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 13:17:27nach oben


Kann teilweise schon mal nicht mehr stimmen , da erwähnt wurde das Rousseau in den letzten 4 Episoden vorkommt ,anhand der Promo Bilder wissen wir das sie auf jeden Fall das sie in Episode 19 dabei ist.

Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 15:09:51nach oben


Netter Versuch - das war nur ein Skript, welches von einem User erstellt wurde.
Gar nicht schlecht, obwohl natürlich einiges nicht stimmen kann - aber Respekt.

u.a. Charlie soll doch sterben - oder in Lebensgefahr geraten - als er die "Unterwasser-Mission" durchführt...

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 15:17:39nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Die drehen jetzt erst die letzte Folge.

Außerdem schreibt er doch, dass es seine Vorstellung von den kommenden Folgen ist.

Mich würde es stören, wenn die die ganze Zeit überwacht worden wären ...
Und der Cliffhanger ist schlecht.

J. Locke
Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 17:44:54nach oben


Original von timeline77
das war nur ein Skript, welches von einem User erstellt wurde.
Gar nicht schlecht, obwohl natürlich einiges nicht stimmen kann.

Das ist sicher richtig, aber der User meint auch, dass er über Insider-Wissen verfügt.

Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 17:52:25nach oben


Original von J. Locke
Original von timeline77
das war nur ein Skript, welches von einem User erstellt wurde.
Gar nicht schlecht, obwohl natürlich einiges nicht stimmen kann.

Das ist sicher richtig, aber der User meint auch, dass er über Insider-Wissen verfügt.

Mein Name ist in Wirklichkeit Carlton Cuse und ich beobachte euch alle durch euren Badezimmerspiegel

Profil von Carlyle Carlyle  
Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 18:35:33nach oben
Homepage von CarlyleLiveJournalSkypeMSN MessengerICQAIM
3511 Posts: Leader

Original von ringleader
Original von J. Locke
Original von timeline77
das war nur ein Skript, welches von einem User erstellt wurde.
Gar nicht schlecht, obwohl natürlich einiges nicht stimmen kann.

Das ist sicher richtig, aber der User meint auch, dass er über Insider-Wissen verfügt.

Mein Name ist in Wirklichkeit Carlton Cuse und ich beobachte euch alle durch euren Badezimmerspiegel

ROFL! *Zettel an den Spiegel halt* Krieg ich ein Autogramm?

Aber bitte... Locke geht doch sicher los und ersticht einfach mal ein paar Leute... Das passt ja auch so toll zu seinem Charakter. Wenn erfinden, dann doch bitte glaubwürdig.

Plus.. Wenn ich mich noch recht erinnere hats geheissen dass die Favouriten für die Tode bis Ende Staffel Kate, Sawyer, Jack oder Locke sind. (Korrigiert mich wenn mich meine Erinnerung trügt.)

Ellen Ripley
Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 19:38:52nach oben


WTH - ich konnte mich gerade noch beherrschen. Die Zusammenfassung von 3.19 klingt für mich ziemlich glaubwürdig. Angsteinflößend glaubwürdig. Deshalb mußte ich mich regelrecht vom Monitor losreißen, um nicht weiter zu lesen (was ich gottseidank geschafft habe).
Normalerweise schaue ich nicht einmal Trailer - und jetzt das. Ich hoffe nur, dass
nichts davon stimmt. Falls doch:

Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 19:42:47nach oben


Original von Ellen Ripley
WTH - ich konnte mich gerade noch beherrschen. Die Zusammenfassung von 3.19 klingt für mich ziemlich glaubwürdig. Angsteinflößend glaubwürdig. Deshalb mußte ich mich regelrecht vom Monitor losreißen, um nicht weiter zu lesen (was ich gottseidank geschafft habe).
Normalerweise schaue ich nicht einmal Trailer - und jetzt das. Ich hoffe nur, dass
nichts davon stimmt. Falls doch:

warum bist du denn im spoiler-board, wenn du nichtmal trailer guckst?

Ellen Ripley
Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 30.04.2007, 19:54:50nach oben


Because sometimes Im kind of retarded...

Und das Warten aufs Finale macht mich von Tag zu Tag wahnsinniger!

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 12.05.2007, 09:22:08nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Es war ein Fake! Hurra, es erwartet uns doch ein besseres Ende

chuck da norris
Umfangreiche Spoiler bis zum Season 3 Finale - 14.05.2007, 14:25:47nach oben


war doch klar das das nur en fake ist, denn es wird uns eine große veränderung provezeit ... aber die is oben im text zur final folge nicht auf zu finden ... das kann nur en fake sein.


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