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Season 3 - 29.04.2007, 20:22:20nach oben


Original von Strandkorb
Was haltet ihr von meiner Theorie, dass LOCKE der ANFÜHRER der Anderen wird?

Das wäre... wahnsinnig.

Season 3 - 30.04.2007, 00:26:10nach oben


Original von emyebo
Original von Strandkorb
Was haltet ihr von meiner Theorie, dass LOCKE der ANFÜHRER der Anderen wird?

Das wäre... wahnsinnig.

locke soll anführer der anderen werden und gegen die losties arbeiten? warum sollte er das tun?

Profil von Carlyle Carlyle  
Season 3 - 30.04.2007, 12:35:26nach oben
Homepage von CarlyleLiveJournalSkypeMSN MessengerICQAIM
3511 Posts: Leader

Ich glaub ich bleib lieber hier wenns um Spoiler geht. *zum neu eröffneten Thread von J.Locke schiel*

Ich glaub nicht, dass Locke der Anführer der Anderen werden würde, aber ich könnte mir gut vorstellen, dass wenn es einen wirklich guten Grund gibt, Locke bei den Anderen bleiben würde.

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Season 3 - 30.04.2007, 15:02:58nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Original von Bert
Original von emyebo
Original von Strandkorb
Was haltet ihr von meiner Theorie, dass LOCKE der ANFÜHRER der Anderen wird?

Das wäre... wahnsinnig.

locke soll anführer der anderen werden und gegen die losties arbeiten? warum sollte er das tun?

Warum solle er es nicht tun? Er hat doch schon die einzige Möglichkeit zur Kommunikation mit der Außenwelt zerstört ... er "arbeitet" doch schon nur noch für sich selbst.


- Jin IS the father of Sun's child..
- The sperm count of males on the island is 5 times greater.
- Sun is responsible for Jin's "mob-life" - It's a catch 22.
- The parachutist's name is Naomi Dorrit (sp?)
- The Losties are NOT in purgatory.
- Other possible explanations for Naomi's comment about 815 (1. She's lying, 2. Conspiracy theory)
- In the next episode she will delve further into what her mission is.

- Mikhail is alive (1. The fence was not turned up high enough to kill him, 2. He DID NOT come back from the dead)

The Brig.
- The Other's are on their way to "someplace".
- We will find out how Cooper got to the island.
- What happened between Locke seeing his father tied up and when he said good-bye to Kate.
- A lot of things will be answered.

- The flash on Hurley in Catch 22 was only a lens flair.
- Think pseudo-science and borderlands of the supernatural for explanations of LOST.
- They will be revisiting the psychic's predictions for Claire in the future as well as Walt's abilities.
- The Others' obsession with children & pregnancy goes beyond the inability to successfully bear children on the island.
- The Other's definitely have an interest in children with special abilities. That's why they took Walt.
- There are two factions of The Others & and are in no relation to the hatches/stations.
- They will be getting back to the statue before the show ends.

klingt sehr gut

- Editiert von Strandkorb am 30.04.2007, 15:57 -

Season 3 - 30.04.2007, 20:55:59nach oben


Diese News hab ich gerade bei DarkUFO gefunden:

This is the final paragraph in an interview with Lindelof and Kring(Heroes Creator) from the newest issue of Wizard(the comics magazine). This is the only thing having to due with what will happen in the show...everything else was just about writing and the friendship between the two writers.

Wizard: What can you guys tell us about how your shows will wrap up this season?

Lindelof: For us, I will say the construct of Season 3 started with our heroes victimized by this - at the time - unseen, malicious and malevolent force on the
island of these "Other" people. By the end of the season, you will know a lot more about them and what they're doing there and why they've been preying on our guys.

There is going to be an epic confrontation between the two groups - for lack of a better word, a war - and that's where we are heading to in our season finale. Hopefully, people will be more satisfied than they were in previous seasons - there are going to be a lot of answers along the way to the mysteries that people really care about.

Quelle: Wizard Magazine

- Editiert von diMaggio am 30.04.2007, 21:02 -

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Season 3 - 30.04.2007, 22:42:47nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Kaum hab ich in nem anderem Thread was Episches gefordert, bekommen wir Episches!

Nein, klingt sehr gut. Endlich mal wieder was richtungsveränderndes

Season 3 - 30.04.2007, 22:51:07nach oben


Also meiner Meinung nach, MUSS es etwas episches sein, denn wie soll man denn sonst die Cliffhanger der beiden vorigen Staffeln toppen?
Episch klingt immer gut!

Aber leider sind damit auch Verluste verbunden... (Bitte nicht Locke! Biiiiitte!!!)

Season 3 - 01.05.2007, 01:21:49nach oben


Original von diMaggio
(Bitte nicht Locke! Biiiiitte!!!)

Das ist auch meine größe Sorge beim Season-Finale. Dieser Spoiler Jack-Locke Showdown und dann Jack-Sawyer Spaltung macht mir etwas Angst. Allerdings hat Cuse neulich noch in einem Interview gesagt: Der Charakter John Locke ist das Herz der Serie. Ich hoffe mal sie verpassen Lost keinen Herzinfakt.

Profil von Carlyle Carlyle  
Season 3 - 01.05.2007, 02:00:28nach oben
Homepage von CarlyleLiveJournalSkypeMSN MessengerICQAIM
3511 Posts: Leader

Wenn wir grade schon bei Showdown's sind:

Klick 1

Klick 2

Ben's Episode will also introduce his heretofore-unseen boss, Jacob, and include a showdown between Ben and Locke.

Wenn dies am Ende tatsächlich darauf rauslaufen lassen dass der eine den Anderen umbringt...


Season 3 - 01.05.2007, 08:07:34nach oben


Leute, ich bleib optimistisch und sage, dass keiner des maincasts von der bildfläche verschwindet (ausser vielleicht ben )

Season 3 - 02.05.2007, 15:38:25nach oben


Von ABC gibt's Neuigkeiten bzgl. eines Specials, dass sich "Lost: The Answers" nennt.

ABC once again invites new and avid “Lost” viewers to take another look at one of the most talked about and critically acclaimed shows. “Lost: The Answers” will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating – in anticipation of the Season Finale episode. The special will take an in-depth look at the mysteries of both the island and its inhabitants and recap the secrets that have been revealed, as well as those that remain unanswered.

Hosted by “Lost” executive producers Damon Lindelof (also a co-creator of the show) and Carlton Cuse, the special will revisit mysteries that have been solved, including why a polar bear is on an island in the South Pacific, who the real father of Sun’s baby is, what caused the crash of Oceanic flight 815, who was in the hatch, what happened to the Dharma group, how Locke ended up in a wheelchair, what Kate did to become one of America’s most wanted, and the identity of the real Sawyer -- who conned James Ford’s parents – leading to their deaths. In addition, mysteries that remain unsolved will also be explored.

Airs: 17th May Thursday 2007 - 10:00 p.m.

Quelle: ABC (gefunden bei DarkUFO)

Es wird alsio keine Antworten geben, die wir nicht schon kennen, ist aber wahrscheinlich eine nette Zusammenfassung die nochmal alles Wichtige schön in Szene setzt.
Für mich definitiv einen "Kuck" wert.


Warnung: Folgendes ist nicht nur ein Season 3 Spoiler, sondern auch ein Season 4 Spoiler!

Ich wollte dafür aber jetzt nicht extra einen neuen Thread aufmachen, das wäre unnötig.
Deshalb hab ich nur die Sachen zu Season 4 in Spoilertags gepackt.

Also, Folgendes fand ich bei thetailsection.com:

Thanks to James for letting us know about this! Exciting stuff indeed!

Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were on Preston & Steve Morning Show (radio in philly PA. they have pod casts ((WMMR.com)) ). To sum up what they said:

* The four toed statue is very very important but wont be addressed till season 4.
* Walt or Michael will make an appearance by the end of this season.
* One two or three people may die. just thought u'd like to know.
* Someone (an other) will be BLOWN UP in the finale.
* The story is winding down. They consider themselves past the mid point.

The four toed statue jives with a rumor that has been circulating about "The Ruins" being the big set for season four. This came about when I was talking to one of my buddies on "The Island" and asked what the big set for season four would be (The caves for s1, the swan for s2, hydra island for s3.) He said "Depending on how things go with ABC there is a rumor it will be 'The Ruins'."

The audio of this should be available at WMMR.

Quelle: http://www.thetailsection.com/lost-spoilers/season-three-and-four-spoilers.php

P.S.: Der erste Punkt ist kein Season 4 Spoiler, da er im Grunde nur sagt, dass die Fuß-Statue nicht in Season 3 vorkommt. Ist also nix anderes wie Spoiler über Personen, die nicht in Season 3 sterben, ergo in Season 4 da sein werden.

- Editiert von diMaggio am 02.05.2007, 20:12 -

- Editiert von diMaggio am 02.05.2007, 21:09 -

Season 3 - 02.05.2007, 16:37:41nach oben


Original von diMaggio
* Walt or Michael will make an appearance by the end of this season.

Recht so. Wäre wirklich schön, wenn das so stimmte. Denn wenn dieser in S1 & S2 so zentrale Handlungsstrang einfach so unter den Teppich gekehrt werden würde, wäre ich ziemlich enttäuscht.

Season 3 - 02.05.2007, 22:42:30nach oben


Es gibt ein Update der letzten von mir geposteten News. Folgender Punkt gesellt sich noch zu den anderen:

* The story is winding down. They consider themselves past the mid point.

Oh und diesen hatte ich auch noch vergessen, sorry. Hab jetzt den oberen Post geupdated.

* Someone (an other) will be BLOWN UP in the finale.


Ok, das ist die letzte News von mir für heute.
Auf the thetailsection.com stehen ein paar Punkte, die eine Zusammenfassung eines Radio-Interviews sind:

These mysteries will be resolved by the end of the season:

* What was up with the guys in the arctic.
* Walt's ability to rejuvenate animals.
* The "magic box" idea

Some of the other highlights were:

* The island is very selective about who it breeds based on the nature of the person.
* Carlton has a new nickname "Wheelbarrow Testicles." Personally, I think that should be the title of his Banjo solo ala Eddie Van Halen's "Eruption"
* Patchy's resurrection will be explained within the next couple of weeks.
* The smoke monster will not be explained until the end of the series.
* The long term story is made up of milestones, but they vary the arrival at those points by watching how the character development plays out.
* Locke's descent into a bumbling fool will be redeemed tonight.
* Lost will VERY LIKELY change its timeslot next year!

Man kann sich das Interview als MP3 hier herunterladen:
Oder Wahlweise auch bei der eigentlichen Quelle hier:

Quelle: http://www.thetailsection.com/lost-news/damon-and-carlton-speak-again.php

Profil von Killua Killua
Season 3 - 02.05.2007, 22:47:26nach oben

8856 Posts: On Jacob's List

@diMaggio: bedeutet BLOW UP soviel wie "in die Luft sprengen"?

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
Season 3 - 02.05.2007, 23:27:17nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Anzt-Style ...

Profil von Killua Killua
Season 3 - 02.05.2007, 23:33:02nach oben

8856 Posts: On Jacob's List

das bedeutet ja dann sprengstoff is das nicht lockes spezialgebiet?

Season 3 - 05.05.2007, 13:17:25nach oben


Damit ist Dynamit die drittgrößte Todesursache auf der Insel nach Schusswaffen und Schwangerschaften.

Season 3 - 06.05.2007, 11:21:56nach oben


Es gibt Neuigkeiten bzgl. des Charakters Rose. Wie es aussieht werden wir sie noch innerhalb der nächsten 2 Wochen sehen:

Before I ask my question, I just wanted to thank you for the Hurley/Libby scene in "Tricia Tanaka is Dead". I was sooo happy that he hadn't just forgotten about her, it almost made me cry.

But on topic: Do you know if we'll see Rose again this season? A lot of fans like her and we haven't seen her or Bernard since their flashback episode last season (except for a no-diologue scene with Bernard in the finale). I hope she's just not... gone this season, but it's starting to look that way. Any hope that we'll see her again soon?

Die Antwort darauf von Gregg Nations:
Yes, you will see Rose. And she has a couple of choice (funny) things to say... (Really, now, who doesn't love Rose?) I think there would be a fan revolt if we ever did anything towards certain characters like Rose or Hurley, so don't worry. She'll be back.

Quelle: http://www.thefuselage.com/Threaded/showthread.php?t=72014

Season 3 - 06.05.2007, 12:59:59nach oben


Ich freue mich schon auf Rose. Ich habe den Charakter in der dritten Staffel vermisst.

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