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ABC-Folgen & -Diskussionen > Gary TroupLOST-fans.de Forum - Gary Troup

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Gary Troup - 28.06.2006, 11:14:28nach oben


Dieser Thread kommt eigentlich viel zu spät. Aber lieber zu spät, als nie. Gary Troup wird zwar in einigen Threads erwähnt, doch entweder weil sein Buch in einer Folge zu sehen war oder dann im Zusammenhang mit Hanso. Damit das Ganze einwenig "geordneter" abläuft, ist es das Beste, wenn er einen eigenen Thread erhält.

Von Gary Troup gibt es nämlich seit gestern ein neues Filmstück. Genauer gesagt das 7te von 9 Filmsequenzen. (Ich bin ehrlich gesagt zu faul, um die anderen 6 Filmsequenzen zu suchen und hier zu posten). Hier der Link zu Teil 7: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&n=2&videoID=872595678

Interessant ist der letzte, nicht ganz vollständige Satz: "Cindy, she is a friend of mine..."

Könnte das vielleicht genau diese Cindy sein, welche auf der Insel plötzlich verschwunden ist? (Ich fress einen Besen, wenn eine andere Cindy damit gemeint ist).

Ach herje. Ich habe Gary falsch verstanden. Er sagte: "Anyways either coincidentally or by fate... there is this incredible woman. Cindy, she's a flight attendant..."

Wer die Teile 1-6 auch sehen will: http://lostpedia.com/wiki/Gary_Troup_Interview#Part_7

- Editiert von halux am 28.06.2006, 11:18 -

Gary Troup - 28.06.2006, 12:14:35nach oben


Also ich weiss erlich gesagt im Moment noch nicht einmal wer Cindy ist.*Grad aufgestanden* Ist das die die bei der Wanderung plötzlich verschwunden war???
Habe mir das Video mal angeschaut,erstaunlich was du alles heraus hörst.Also mein English ist leider nicht so gut.

Gary Troup - 28.06.2006, 13:08:41nach oben


@micha: Richtig! Cindy ist die Frau, welche bei der Wanderung der Tailies zu den Losties verschwunden ist, als sie einen Abhang hinaufklettern musste, was ja bekanntlich wegen dem verletzten Saywer nicht ganz einfach war...

Ich muss übrigens den Besen nicht essen. Schon ein paar Clips vorher spricht Gary von Cindy.

Übrigens @micha: Mein Englisch ist auch nicht gerade "das Gelbe vom Ei". Aber mann kann ja alles im Net nachlesen. Ich poste hier mal alle Texte von Clip 1 bis 7:

Laird Granger: Hello, I'm Laird Granger and welcome to Book Talk. Today we're talking to
Gary Troup,novelist and non-fiction author whose works include The Valenzetti
Equation and his newest mystery novel Bad Twin. Welcome Gary, nice to have you here.
Gary Troup: Thanks, glad to be here Laird.
Laird Granger: Bad Twin - what inspired the novel?
Gary Troup: I was game fishing off the Florida Keys and I got to talking to the boat captain.
He started telling me about this other business that he had which was ferrying people
and things in and out of Cuba. Illegally of course.
Laird Granger: Interesting.
Gary Troup: Oh yeah, I thought he'd make a great character and that was the spark that got the
book going.
Laird Granger: But the book's not really about him...
Gary Troup: No, no, the boat captain is j...

Gary Troup: The boat captain is just a point of departure. Here's this guy. One day he's taking
families fishing and the next day he's making smuggling runs, and it was that
duality that intrigued me - how we all have good and bad inside of us.
Laird Granger: And is that what the title 'Bad Twin' refers to?
Gary Troup: Er, yeah. The book is a story about a private investigator named Paul Artisan who's
hired by this rich man to track down his missing twin, the supposed "bad twin" from
the title.
Laird Granger: But without giving anything away here, who is bad and who is good - that's all part
of the mystery isn't it?
Gary Troup: (nods) Yes, yes, very much so.
Laird Granger: Your book men...

Laird Granger: Your book mentions a lot of real life people, places and institutions.
Gary Troup: Yeah, I try to incorporate real-life stuff into my fiction, um, just gives it a lot
more... veracity.
Laird Granger: Like Alvar Hanso, and the Hanso Foundation?
Gary Troup: (looks uncomfortable)... right...
Laird Granger: Did including them have anything to do with your non-fiction writing?
Gary Troup: Absolutely. I wrote a non-fiction book called The Valenzetti Equation
Laird Granger: (interrupting) about the reclusive Princeton University mathematician
Enzo Valenzetti and his famous theorem...
Gary Troup: Yes
Laird Granger: At least that's what they say it's about. (shaking head) I have to confess I can't
find a copy.
Gary Troup: (nods) Yeah, I know. I mean, first of all it was a small printing, and allegedly,

Gary Troup: and allegedly, now, I emphasize allegedly, Alvar Hanso bought up all of the
available copies and (emphasis) he bought the rights to reprint.
Laird Granger: Why would he do that?
Gary Troup: That's a good question...
Laird Granger: The book was critical of him?
Gary Troup: erm... no. But as I was doing my research I discovered that Alvar Hanso is the only
guy in the world who has an actual copy of the Valenzetti Equation (pause) now,
despite repeated requests, I was categorically denied access to it. In fact, no one
outside the Hanso Foundation has access to it.
Laird Granger: (interrupting) and what about inside The Hanso Foundation?
Gary Troup: From what I've been able to learn, even within The H...

Gary Troup: From what I've been able to learn, even within the Hanso Foundation, the Valenzetti
Equation is one of the most closely guarded secrets.
Laird Grainger: That must have made it hard for you to write the book.
Gary Troup: Beyond that.. look at every turn Alvar Hanso and the Hanso Foundation... they tried
to stop me from writing it. I mean, for whatever reason, they want to keep
Valenzetti and his work a secret. They don't want the public to know anything about
it. You know what... we are here to talk about "Bad Twin"
Laird Granger: Sounds like you've got your next piece of non-fiction in the works here.
Gary Troup: Look, The Hanso Foundation promotes itself a...

Gary Troup: The Hanso Foundation promotes itself as "bettering humanity"... um, and that's all
I am gonna say about it right now because I am gonna to be writing a book about this,
and I'll tell you this, that as soon as people find out what is going on inside
this huge, famous, supposedly benevolent foundation.. it's going to shock you.
Laird Granger: Tell me about Cindy...
Gary Troup: (laughs) This isn't going to air until after the book is published, right?
Laird Granger: Yes, that's right
Gary Troup: Alright, well I, I'm an inveterate bachelor, I mean, I never even thought about
coming close

Gary Troup: I'm an inveterate bachelor, I mean, I never even thought about
coming close to getting married, until y'know I started doing research for bad twin.
Laird Granger: Which required Lots of travel to Austrailia.
Gary Troup: Eight times Actually...
Laird Granger: *Laughs*
Gary Troup: Yeah, I'm kind of a research fanatic. Anyhow a large part of the book takes place
down there so...
Laird Granger: Of Course your love for deep sea fishing in the great barrier reef area had nothing
to do with it.
Gary Troup: Hey hey c'mon, That's research.
Laird Granger: *Laughs*
Gary Troup: Anyways either coincidentally or by fate... there is this incredible woman.
Cindy, she's a flight attendant--

Ich wollte eigentlich solch einen langen Post vermeiden. Holt euch am besten die Detailinformationen in Zukunft zum Beispiel von HIER . Da steht wirklich ALLES drin, was man wissen will/muss.


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