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    19339 Posts: Jacob Loves Me! das-dass.de Moderator
 | Da ist halt nur die Bonus-Disc mit eben diesem Epilog "New Man in Charge" dabei. Die ganzen Gimmicks der limitierten Box nicht.
Auf der Disc ist folgendes:
Zitat: | Letting Go: Reflections of a Six-Year Journey - A unique featurette that takes viewers on very personal tours of Oahu where the series was created, with key cast and crew as they reflect. (39:43)
Artifacts of the Island: Inside the Lost Prop House - A closer look at some of the props with cast, writers and producers, exploring their significance, stories and emotional ties to the characters. (14:07)
Planet Lost - An extra that explores the global phenomenon that is Lost, bonus showcases events ranging from the series cast and crew at San Diego's famed Comic-Con convention to international voice recordings, local events and even fan parties, all of which helped make the show into a worldwide favorite. (11:55)
Swan Song: Orchestrating the Final Moments of LOST - Michael Giacchino conducts the orchestral score for the series finale. (13:18)
Lost Complete Contents.jpg
The contents of the Region 1 Complete Collection set.
Lost "Slapdowns" - Featurettes showcasing celebrity Lost fans who confront Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse to ask press questions about the final season, including the Muppets and cast members Nestor Carbonell, Michael Emerson, Rebecca Mader and more. (44:40)
Paul Scheer #1 (2:07)
Paul Scheer #2 (2:04)
Michael Emerson #1 (2:30)
Michael Emerson #2 (2:11)
Paul Scheer #3 (1:52)
Nester Carbonell and Michael Emerson (2:26)
Rebecca Mader (2:05)
Nestor Carbonell (2:06)
Paul Scheer #4 (2:17)
CJ Wilson #1 (4:42)
CJ Wilson #2 (4:51)
CJ Wilson #3 (3:46)
Rizzo's Rat Tour (3:20)
The Swedish Chef (2:12)
Smoke Monster Auditions (3:35)
Kermit Visits Lost (2:36)
Previously released and unreleased extrasEdit
Deleted scenes
Season 3: Handcuffs (1:09), Surprise Inside (0:35)
Season 5: Would Theresa Know?, Shallow Graves, Window Talk, Hunting, Worth the Risk
Lost: On Location
Season 3: "The Cost of Living" (4:08), "Enter 77"(4:38), "D.O.C." (4:04)
Season 4: "Eggtown"* (2:10)
Season 5: "This Place Is Death" (5:05), "316" (5:23)
More from the Series
Season 4: Regina's Jump* (1:39), Rat Maze* (1:39), Ben's Door* (1:20), Hurling Hurley*(1:41), Building the Bomb* (2:10)
Season 5: Ben vs. Desmond (3:20), Locke's Leg (1:50), Rose & Bernard's Retirement (2:12), Jeep Escape* (1:16), Others' Secrets (2:03), Radzinsky at the Flame* (2:09), Sun and Jin's Wedding* (1:04)
*Newly released extras exclusive to the complete collection.
Note: The Lost Chronicles deleted scenes from Season 1 therefore remain the only extras never to have been released on any Lost DVD or Blu-ray sets. Also, Lost: On Location segments for "Further Instructions" and "Because You Left" have become completely unreleased on any sets. Also, the Season 6 Best Buy bonus features are also absent.
Blu-ray exclusive featuresEdit
The Best of the Lost Podcasts (09:14:38)
Season 2: 11/8/05 Abandoned (17:54), 3/20/06 The Whole Truth (28:54), 3/28/06 Lockdown (28:10), 4/3/06 Dave (17:21), 6/13/06 Harold Perrineau and Malcolm David Kelley (15:57)
Season 3: 2/20/07 Stranger in a Strange Land (28:09), 4/16/07 Catch 22 (27:08), 5/4/07 The Man Behind the Curtain (24:30), 5/11/07 Greatest Hits (27:47), 9/22/07 Anniversary of Oceanic Flight 815 (26:46)
Season 4: 2/19/08 Eggtown (23:24), 3/21/08 Meet Kevin Johnson (26:14), 5/7/08 Cabin Fever (23:44), 5/19/08 There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3 (25:17)
Season 5: 3/26/09 Whatever Happened, Happened (18:33), 4/6/09 Dead Is Dead (19:11), 4/23/09 The Variable (22:14), 5/11/09 The Incident (22:25), 5/16/09 Michael Emerson (9:43)
Season 6: 8/6/09 Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz (19:35), 2/4/10 What Kate Does (23:10), 2/22/10 Lighthouse (19:57), 4/15/10 The Last Recruit (26:25), 5/14/10 What They Died For (32:10)
Note: May 19, 2008 podcast is incorrectly labled as "The Shape of Things to Come" on the disc. |
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  43 Posts: Lost One
 | @ mercy
vielen dank für die Info, eine frage der Epilog "New Man in Charge" ist dass, das was man hier auf der Seite sieht?
Und ist das nur Englisch? wenn ja mit deutschem Untertitel??
Und die ganzen anderen Sachen sind das Sachen die eventuell eine Fragen beantworten?
Oder einfach nur so Bonus Zeugs??
Und wie schaut es hier aus nur Englische Sprache?
Und wenn ja mit Deutschen Untertitel? 
Weil ich habe ja die ganze Serie gesehen aber ich erhoffe mir von dem Bonus Material eine Fragen beantwortet zu bekommen. 
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    19339 Posts: Jacob Loves Me! das-dass.de Moderator
 | Jo, ist der offizielle Epilog der Serie, der paar Fragen noch beantwortet. Ist derselbe wie im Video. Alle Extras sind auf Englisch mit deutschen Subs. Ansonsten wird eher nix neues beantwortet. Gibt auch nicht viel was. Viele Gimmicks und Hintergrundinfos werden geliefert, wobei vielleicht für dich dennoch was neues dabei sein könnte.
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  43 Posts: Lost One
 | Dieses offizielle Epilog ist das auch Englisch mit Deutschen Untertitel??
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