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3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 16:33:24nach oben


is schonmal jemand drauf gekommen das jack und juliet,eventuell zusammen mit ein paar anderen,die geheimnissvolle dritte gruppe auf der insel bilden könnte?

das ganze könnte so passieren das jack kate seine liebe gesteht, kate stirbt,jack dadurch verbittert wird und in den dschungel ins exil geht...zusammen mit juliet,kommt aber bald mit seiner eigenen gruppe zurück und macht die others platt

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 16:36:54nach oben


also wenn jack einer von denen ist, dann soll er aber bitte auch böse sein und nicht durch verbitterung böse werden.
aber vielleciht sind jack und juliette ja dharma - also schon so eine art dritte gruppe.

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 17:16:51nach oben


Aber die 3. Gruppe existierte ja auch schon bevor das Flugzeug abgestürtzt ist.
Meine Theorie ist zur Zeit, dass es sich um Wissenschaftler der Dharma-Initiative handelt, die den Purge überlebt haben.

Dr. Seltsam
3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 18:51:12nach oben


Das sind ja alles ganz nette Theorien aber das ist alles nicht 'game-changing' genug. Egal in welche Richtung sich Jack bewegen wird - es wäre vielleicht ne interessante Charakterwendung aber hätte keine elementaren Auswirkungen auf die ganze Struktur der Serie - der ja anscheinend dieser Moment haben soll.

Meine Vermutung - aus irgendeinem Grund wird sich die Ziele und Absichten der Losties verändern - und zwar vom gerettet werden zum sich auf der Insel verstecken und nicht gefunden werden. Fragt mich nicht wieso das passieren sollte - sber das wäre so ne elementare Wendung der ganzen Serie.

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 19:13:50nach oben


Meine Theorie:

Die Insel ist ähnlich dem "Todesstern" aus Starwars eine Waffe um die Menschheit zu zerstören, deshalb muss sie zerstört werden.


Die Insel kann die Menschheit retten, wird sich (und somit die Menschheit) aber ohne Gegenmaßnahme nach 48 Folgen selbst zerstören.

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 19:47:43nach oben


das würde mir nicht gefallen.
ausserdem hätte die serie ja dann nicht mehr den titel LOST verdient. und ich denke j.j. abrams hat den namen ausgesucht, weil er weiß was zum schluss tatsächlich passiert.

ich fände das mit jack schon einen game-changer. anführer weg vermutlich sogar der neue feind. karten wieder neu gemischt. gerade bei so serien wie alias ( ja ich komm immer wieder drauf zurück) war der game-changer immmer eine verschiebung der loyalitäten zueinander, was in der neuen staffel auf neue beziehungen hinauslief ( irina war mal gut, mal böse, mal gut, gleiches galt für sloane...)

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 20:33:02nach oben


wenn schon alle meine theorien über jack und die dritte gruppe zu nichte machen dann soll mir doch mal bitte jemand erklären warum wie die dritte gruppe noch nicht zu gesicht bekommen haben....

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 20:46:26nach oben


weil es mutanten sind die unter der insel leben

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 21:02:09nach oben


Nur, weil man etwas noch nicht gezeigt bekommen hat, heißt es noch lange nicht, dass es nicht existert.

"New characters are scheduled to begin appearing on the island who are neither others nor plane folk. It has been alluded to many times that this third group is far more terrifying in nature than the monster, and probably more powerful than our others."

Quelle: http://www.buddytv.com/articles/lost/lost-season-four-predictions-5302.aspx

Wurde aber auch schon im ABC Podcast gesagt, dass es noch eine 3. Gruppe gibt.

Profil von Carlyle Carlyle  
3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 21:11:55nach oben
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3511 Posts: Leader

Ich denk die 3. Gruppe sind die Dharma Leute. Irgendwo wirds bestimmt noch Überlebende von denen geben, denk ich mir mal.

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 21:23:58nach oben


glaubt ihr auch, dass sind verstrahlte mutanten-menschen mit superkräften?

Dr. Seltsam
3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 21:27:15nach oben


Hier ein Teil aus einem Interview mit Damon und Carlton:


By now, we've gotten to know these castaways pretty well. Take Jack. We know his issues. We know almmost everything we need to know about what's at stake for him on the Island, what he's been dealing with in his past. In light of this, will the flashback structure continue to be part of the show in future seasons, or will that be reinvented in the finale?
CUSE: Actually, we know very little about the fact that Jack has psoriasis.
LINDELOF: We also felt that a lot of people aren't talking about psoriasis —
CUSE: — so we felt it would actually be a public service if we actually did a very detailed backstory about psoriasis.

Okay, seriously.
LINDELOF: The reality is, you do know everything there is to know about Jack as a character in terms of what's driving him. But you don't know everything that's happened to Jack. And there is one sort of significant event that we've been holding back that happened to Jack and we're going to show it in the season finale. And as all great flashbacks on the show are, they pertain directly to what's happening on the Island.

Okay. But will the flashback structure be part of the show going forward?
LINDELOF: Let's have that conversation after the finale.

Does the finale set up season four?
CUSE: Yes. The finale clearly sets up season four of the show, and hopefully in doing so, people will see there is still a lot of storytelling left in Lost and will feel really good about the 48 number.
LINDELOF: And it will make you realize that the house you are standing in actually has a lot more rooms than you thought when you came into it.

Ganzes Interview hier: EW Interview

Mmh... Interessant, könte es sein, dass man die Flashback ab Season 4 ändert, an den Nagel hängt oder ähnliches?

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 08.05.2007, 21:55:32nach oben


But you don't know everything that's happened to Jack.

meinen die damit, wie jack den rest seines tattoos bekommen hat?

LINDELOF: And it will make you realize that the house you are standing in actually has a lot more rooms than you thought when you came into it.

werden in der folge die gesetze der physik aufgehoben? das erinnert mich wieder an :"only fools are enslaved by time and space."

ich halts nicht mehr aus vor spannung...

- Editiert von Bert am 09.05.2007, 06:04 -

Profil von yxl yxl
3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 09.05.2007, 16:30:04nach oben

328 Posts: Stranded One

Original von Carlyle
Ich denk die 3. Gruppe sind die Dharma Leute. Irgendwo wirds bestimmt noch Überlebende von denen geben, denk ich mir mal.

Yep, denke auch daß die ominöse Gruppe3 die Gamechanger sein werden. Wenn wir die erstmal kennen gelernt haben, werden unsere Backyard-Others wie "Unschuldslämmer"

chuck da norris
3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 11.05.2007, 17:55:19nach oben


ich vermute das die dritte gruppe eine art uhreinwohner sind die wahrscheinlich dann auch etwas mit dem monster zu tun haben. auch in bezug zu der veränderung auf der seite der flachbacks könnte ich mir vorstellen bzw hoffen das andere carahcter wie zb. tom richard der wahrsager ben und vielen mehreren zu sehen bekommen was auch sinn machen würde da die flachbacks in bezug zu den losties relativ ausgelutscht sind... kanns kaum noch abwarten

Profil von Strandkorb Strandkorb
3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 11.05.2007, 18:10:42nach oben

3300 Posts: Leader

Entweder Dharma oder eben die Hanso Foundation, die Dharma beinhaltet. Und ich könnte Wetten, dass die Hanso-Leute eine andere Philosophie als "Namaste!" haben.

chuck da norris
3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 11.05.2007, 18:21:41nach oben


könnte sein bezweifel ich aber ... da soweit ich weiß die dharma initative von der hanso foundation gesponsert wurde ... weiß jemand ob folge 22 an einem stück oder geteilt gezeigt wird ???

Dr. Seltsam
3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 15.05.2007, 07:21:16nach oben


Hier einige Spoiler von AICN: klingt verdammt gut:


The “Lost” season finale is out there. Someone billing himself as “lostfan108” just sent us what appears to be the whole shebang, this week’s episode and next’s. If it’s fakery, it’s one of the best forgeries I’ve ever seen in my long tenure here at Ain’t It Cool News. I was thinking it might even be an elaborate foiler manufactured by the “Lost” writers, but candidly it’s too good to waste on fooling us. Many details on this week’s episode – heretofore unrevealed details we’ll be able to confirm on Wednesday - are included, adding to the missive’s air of legitimacy.

If it’s legitimate, as I believe it to be, the season finale contains by far the biggest reveal of any season finale yet.

What ABC is not telling us:

* We do not get a lot more information this season about Richard Alpert and the island’s other natives.
* We do not get a lot more information this season on the Dharma Initiative or the Hanso Foundation.
* We do not learn a lot more this season about Jacob.
* We don’t learn more about the four-toed statue.
* Christian Shepherd is not discovered alive.
* Libby does not appear.
* We will learn something huge about Kate.
* We get a major clue related to the “other” Oceanic 815 that boasted no survivors.
* We’ll be meeting new characters, but not in flashbacks.
* Rousseau’s original Frenchy broadcast from the pilot plays a role this week.
* There is much death in the finale.
* Yet another original cast member goes the way of Boone and Shannon.
* But, get this, another of the original regulars returns. And that regular is not listed among ABC’s cast list.
* We will see Terry O’Quinn at least one more time before the season ends.
* We see a new side of Hurley.
* Desmond does not sacrifice himself to save Charlie.
* There’s a big surprise involving Naomi and Penelope.
* The huge huge huge HUGE season-ending reveal resides in Jack’s very dark flashbacks, so watch them very carefully.
* Between now and 2008, fans may scratch holes in their heads wondering how this show is going to continue next season.

Quelle: DarkUfo

Das klingt ja schonmal riesig; hier noch ein paar nähre Infos von den beiden Postern von AICN Artikel:


*Julie Bowen contributes muchly to Jack's dark.

*... the game-changer may well make sense, but the way it's being handed to us in the finale is about one thing and one thing only: blowing your motherfu*king mind.
We don't have all the pieces yet to know if it completely connects or not. But it certainly spins the show in a different direction, and it changes the nature of the questions we'll be asking about the series overall.

*The flashbacks show Jack in a deteriorating state... battling alcoholism, contemplating suicide... all leading up to...

*In the finale flashbacks, the troubled Jack spends a lot of time trying to make phone contact with somebody, somebody obviously really important to him. And when he finally gets in touch with that person? It's gonna FREAK YOU OUT, MAN!!

*I'll say this... it sounds like the returning unbilled cast member is indeed who was guessed above (Walt). And his reappearance directly relates to Locke's survival.

*They are still on the island next year.
Sort of.

Quelle: AICN

Auf der gleichen Seite ist auch noch ein Poster vorhanden, der behauptet die Episodenbeschreibung für Episode 21/22/23 zu haben. Ich persönlich würde es mit Vorsicht behandeln...wahrscheinlich mehr Wunschdenken als Spoiler; aber wenns Wunschdenken ist- ist es ein genialer Foiler; wenns wahr ist (was durchaus sein könnte) ist es die Mutter aller Spoiler (deshalb setze ich es mal in Spoiler-Tag:


Here it is. What you've been waiting for. The "game-changer" The "rattlesnake in the mailbox." Let's start with this week's episode. Beware, MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! AND I MEAN IT. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THE NEXT EPISODE AND THE FINALE DON'T READ ANYMORE. EP 321 CHARLIE'S FLASHBACKS Basically, this is another show where they make you think that Charlie's going to die, but then it doesn't happen. Desmond tells Charlie that he's seen a vision of Charlie's death and that this time it HAS to happen because it's going to cause another of his visions to come true -- one of Claire and her baby being rescued from the island by a helicopter. He tells Charlie that he's going to drown after turning a switch next to a yellow light in a new underwater hatch. At the same time, Sayid tells Jack that he can't get a rescue signal out on Naomi's phone because Rousseau's old distress call is blocking the signal. He tells Jack that they need to go to a radio tower to turn it off. Juliet, though, tells them that still won't get the signal out because Ben has been blocking all transmissions from the island by a jamming device on an underwater hatch called THE LOOKING GLASS. They know from Sayid's maps that the hatch is flooded. Charlie volunteers for the suicide missions to swim down there and turn off the signal. After what Desmond's told him, he now knows that this is his destiny. He swims down to the udnerwater hatch -- but it isn't flooded! He comes up in a pressurized chamber. He's overjoyed that he doesn't have to die....but discovers that there's TWO CHICKS down there (probably Others) pointing guns at him. The FLASHBACKS are the five greatest moments in Charlie's life. He saves a stranger being beaten on the street (the stranger is Nadia, Sayid's long-lost love), he shows his Dad he can swim when he's a young kid, he hears YOU ALL EVERYBODY on the radio for the first time, and his brother Liam gives him the DS ring. But his greatest moment is when he met Claire on the beach the first night after the plane crashed on the island. (He writes down these five memories and asks Desmond to give them to Claire after he's gone). The episode is just okay. Not as good as the last two, it's basically setting things up for the finale. It woudl've been better if they'd have killed Charlie in it. Now onto the finale... episode 322 FINALE "THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS" The finale is full of action, a few deaths -- and that huge twist I mentioned earlier. First, the deaths. A bunch of Others get killed when they try to raid the camp. This includes Friendly, who Sawyer shoots in cold blood -- and also the other new tough guy Other (I think his name is Price) who gets run over by Hurley in the van. And Charlie FINALLY dies. Thank god. I've always thought he was one of the weaker characters and his death has been threated in so many episodes its about time it finally happened. He unblocks the jamming signal in the underwater station but drowns when Mikhail uses a grenade to blow it up, killing them both. It's a cool death for Charlie. Maybe cooler than he deserves. Another big moment is when an old favorite of the show returns. Locke is just about to kill himself in the Dharma grave pit that he fell into after Ben shot him when he hears a voice telling him not to. He looks up to see...WALT!! Walt helps him out of the pit and then disappears. No sign of Michael, and there's no explanation about where Walt has been or what happened to him or Michael. Locke then makes it to the Radio Tower -- and gets there in time to kill Naomi just before she makes the rescue call. He throws a knife straight into her back. Jack can't understand what Locke is doing and tells him that he'll have to shoot him to stop him from making the call himself. Locke threatens to kill Jack, but then backs down. Jack makes the rescue call -- and someone on the other end answers. The story on the island ends with help on the way. Or maybe not. Ben has told Jack that Naomi and her people aren't who they say they are -- and just before he dies, Charlie sees a transmission in the underwater hatch from Desmond's Penny -- who, contrary to what Naomi has said, denies that she knows Naomi at all!! But the HUGE TWIST of the episode -- in fact, probably the huge twist of the entire series -- happens in the flashback. They start by showing that Jack is totally fucked up. He's popping pills and suicidal. The first flashback shows him about to kill himself by jumping off a bridge -- only a car accident nearby causes him to stop, and instead of killing himself he fins himself helping the accident victims. But he keeps spiraling. He sees his ex-wife at the hospital -- she's pregnant with another man's child. He goes to a funeral of a person that we never discover, but whoever it is, his (or her) death rocks Jack hard. He steals drugs from the hospital and is caught by the new doctor in charge. And all the time, he's constantly on the phone desperately trying to contact somebody. And the last scene shows us who...he goes to meet the mystery person, and it's the last person on earth we would think...it's KATE! And it's now that we realize that for the first time in Lost history, we haven't been watching a flashback. We've been watching a FLASH-FORWARD! Yep, that's right. THEY ACTUALLY SHOW THAT JACK AND KATE MAKE IT OFF THE ISLAND. For some reason, this has been the cause of Jack's spiral. He tells Kate they have to go back to the island. She refuses and drives away. The show finishes with Jack screaming "We have to go back!!" It's a bold move by the writer's no doubt, but I'm not sure if it will pay off entirely. It raises many other questions -- how did they get off the island, did anyone else get off the island, who stayed behind -- but on a show that has been all about our heroes trying to get back home, its kind of disappointing to know that Jack and Kate actually return to the mainland and that they could stay there if they want. The twist is bound to cause huge discussion among Lost fans. I felt it was a bit of a cheat, but maybe others will like it more... Hope enjoyed the scoop.

WOW! Wenn sich das wirklich bewahrheitet - dann wirft das mehr Fragen auf als jede andere LOST-Episode bevor!!! Wenns stimmt, dann gibt es uns einen völlig neuen Blick auf LOST und vorallem auf Desmonds merkwürdige Vorraussagen.

Es würde zumindest erklären was mit dem großren Game-Changer gemeint ist. Haben wir uns bis jetzt gefragt, was die Losties in ihrer Vergangenheit getan haben, dass sie sich so auf der Insel verhalten; werden wir uns ab Staffel 4 nun fragen, was ist auf der Insel passiert, dass die Losties so in der Zukunft beeinträchtigen wird. Ist natürlich ein zweischneidiges Schwert:
-Auf der einen Seite ne völlig neue Drehung der gesamten Serie und es eröffnet wahnnsinnig viele neue spannende Geschichten nach der Inselzeit

-auf der anderen Seite: in einer Serie um der es um das Überleben der Losties auf einer einsamen Insel geht ist es ziemilich antiklimatisch zu offenbaren wer überlebt und wer nicht und damit wird die Insel-Storyline um einiges langweiliger

- Editiert von Dr. Seltsam am 15.05.2007, 08:35 -

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 15.05.2007, 09:45:02nach oben


Ich habe den Spoiler gelesen und denke:

Ich finde es großartig. Das ganze Thema wird damit komplex genug um auch über weitere 3 Staffeln unterhaltent zu sein. Es ist dann eine Mischung aus

- Lost (was die Autoren selber alles erfunden haben: the others, Jacob, Dharma...)


- Zurück in die Zukunft mit den ganzen zukunftsbeeinflussenden und/oder gegenwartsbeeinflussenden Handlungen

-> Ich finde es klasse!

3.22 Through the Looking Glass (2h Season Final) - 15.05.2007, 11:49:00nach oben


oh man ist das fies, aber ich kanns einfach nicht lesen! oder doch?
ich weiss nicht ob ich der versuchung bis nächste woche wiederstehen kann, ist es wirklich sooo gut???

- Editiert von n1stunna am 15.05.2007, 11:51 -

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