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Kino, Film, TV > Was schaut ihr gerade - 13LOST-fans.de Forum - Was schaut ihr gerade - 13

In diesem Thread befinden sich 3513 Posts. Er wurde 1662743 mal gelesen.
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Antworten Druckansicht
Profil von Komohdo Komohdo
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 29.10.2010, 19:41:20nach oben
Homepage von KomohdoLiveJournalICQ
10507 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
El Komohdore

Boardwalk Empire 1x03

"It's the only way, then they can all forget me.
I got too big, too noisy. Time to step back into the shadows."

"Thanks for being awesome."

Profil von Boxman Boxman
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 29.10.2010, 20:45:09nach oben
7635 Posts: On Jacob's List


The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.

Profil von Dan Dan
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 30.10.2010, 01:26:29nach oben
Homepage von DanLiveJournalSkypeMSN MessengerICQ
8786 Posts: On Jacob's List
Dan - The Man

Prison Break 2x02

Profil von mike15 mike15
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 30.10.2010, 11:01:12nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

Bonus-Material von Lost-S5-DVD

Profil von Komohdo Komohdo
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 30.10.2010, 19:42:55nach oben
Homepage von KomohdoLiveJournalICQ
10507 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
El Komohdore

Supernatural 6x06

"It's the only way, then they can all forget me.
I got too big, too noisy. Time to step back into the shadows."

"Thanks for being awesome."

Profil von mike15 mike15
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 31.10.2010, 21:37:16nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

Bis eben BSG 2x05 und gleich Battlestar Galactica 2x06

Profil von Ric Ric
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 31.10.2010, 21:57:40nach oben

6205 Posts: Survival Expert
Friendly Gentleman

Fringe 2x13 - die 2. Staffel is ja mal extrem geil


Profil von Hellboy Hellboy
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 31.10.2010, 22:19:31nach oben
MSN Messenger
1177 Posts: Scout

Road to Perdition

Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Hey, Sil. You remember your first blowjob?
Silvio Dante: Oh, yeah.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: How long did it take for the guy to come?

Profil von M_C M_C
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 31.10.2010, 23:32:39nach oben
3101 Posts: Leader
Naked & Awesome

So finster die Nacht.

Etwas zäh bisher...

Meine Moviebase

Profil von House House
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 01.11.2010, 00:30:31nach oben

10158 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!

One Tree Hill 6.21 - A Kiss to build a Dream on

Profil von mike15 mike15
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 01.11.2010, 06:10:26nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

TBBT 1x11

Profil von Hellboy Hellboy
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 01.11.2010, 16:27:49nach oben
MSN Messenger
1177 Posts: Scout

The Walking Dead 1x01

Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Hey, Sil. You remember your first blowjob?
Silvio Dante: Oh, yeah.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: How long did it take for the guy to come?

Profil von Komohdo Komohdo
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 01.11.2010, 17:12:59nach oben
Homepage von KomohdoLiveJournalICQ
10507 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!
El Komohdore

Boardwalk Empire 1x07

"It's the only way, then they can all forget me.
I got too big, too noisy. Time to step back into the shadows."

"Thanks for being awesome."

Profil von -Sam -Sam
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 01.11.2010, 21:05:37nach oben
Homepage von -Sam
348 Posts: Stranded One

Boy A <3

"We don't 'Just Say No'
We're too busy saying, 'Yeah!'"

Profil von mike15 mike15
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 01.11.2010, 21:17:00nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

BSG 2x09

Profil von Dan Dan
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 01.11.2010, 21:30:52nach oben
Homepage von DanLiveJournalSkypeMSN MessengerICQ
8786 Posts: On Jacob's List
Dan - The Man

Original von Hellboy
The Walking Dead 1x01

Profil von House House
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 01.11.2010, 21:40:01nach oben

10158 Posts: Jacob Loves Me!

One Tree Hill 6.23 - Forever and almost always

Profil von Hellboy Hellboy
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 02.11.2010, 21:27:03nach oben
MSN Messenger
1177 Posts: Scout

Chuck 4x07

Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Hey, Sil. You remember your first blowjob?
Silvio Dante: Oh, yeah.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: How long did it take for the guy to come?

Profil von mike15 mike15
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 02.11.2010, 21:48:25nach oben

7154 Posts: Survival Expert
Mikey Mike

Battlestar Galactica 2x11

Profil von Salocin Salocin
Was schaut ihr gerade - 13 - 03.11.2010, 22:29:37nach oben

8597 Posts: On Jacob's List
Grrr. Argghh.

The Mentalist 3x01 Red Sky at Night

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